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Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the Content of the Updated Document Containing the Charges, ICC-01/09-01/11-522 (ICC TC V, Dec. 28, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the Content of the Updated Document Containing the Charges, ICC-01/09-02/11-584 (ICC TC V, Dec. 28, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision Replacing Judges in the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/07-3328 (ICC Pres., Dec. 28, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision on the "Defence Request for Leave to Appeal the Decision 3319", ICC-01/04-01/07-3327 (ICC TC II, Dec. 28, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Decision on the "Requete Urgente de la Defense en Vue de Solliciter la Relocalisation Internationale de Mathieu Ngudjolo Hors du Continent Africain et Sa Presentation Devant Les Autorites d'Un des Etats Parties au Statut de la Cour Penale Internationale Aux Fins de Diligenter Sa Procedure d'Asile", ICC-01/04-02/12-14 (ICC TC II, Dec. 21, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on "Defence Application for a Change of Place where the Court Shall Sit for Trial", ICC-01/09-02/11-581 (ICC Pres., Dec. 21, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on Prosecution Application to Vary the Redaction Protocol and to Redact Investigators' Identifying Information, ICC-01/09-02/11-579 (ICC TC V, Dec. 21, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Decision on the Request of the Prosecutor of 19 December 2012 for Suspensive Effect, ICC-01/04-02/12-12 (ICC AC, Dec. 20, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Decision Replacing Judges in the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-02/12-11 (ICC Pres., Dec. 20, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision Replacing a Judge in the Appeals Chamber, ICC-02/05-03/09-433 (ICC Pres., Dec. 20, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Order on the Filing of a Response to the Request of the Prosecutor of 19 December 2012 for Suspensive Effect, ICC-01/04-02/12-8 (ICC AC, Dec. 19, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the Appeal of the Prosecutor against the Oral Decision of Trial Chamber II Pursuant to Article 81(3) (C) (I) of the Statute of 18 December 2012, ICC-01/04-02/12-7 (ICC AC, Dec. 19, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Decision Replacing Judges in the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-02/12-6 (ICC Pres., Dec. 19, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Judgment Pursuant to Article 74 of the Statute, ICC-01/04-02/12-3 (ICC TC II, Dec. 18, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Judgment Pursuant to Article 74 of the Statute - Concurring Opinion of Judge Christine Van Den Wyngaert, ICC-01/04-02/12-4 (ICC TC II, Dec. 18, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on the Prosecutor's Request for an Extension of the Page Limit, ICC-01/04-01/06-2955 (ICC AC, Dec. 17, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order in Relation to Confidential Filings, ICC-01/04-01/06-2954 (ICC AC, Dec. 17, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on the Admissibility of the Appeals against Trial Chamber I's "Decision Establishing the Principles and Procedures to be Applied to Reparations" and Directions on the Further Conduct of Proceedings, ICC-01/04-01/06-2953 (ICC AC, Dec. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Date of the Confirmation of Charges Hearing and Proceedings Leading Thereto, ICC-02/11-01/11-325 (ICC PTC I, Dec. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public Redacted Version of "Decision on Measures to Facilitate the Continued Presentation of Evidence by the Defence", ICC-01/05-01/08-2482-Red (ICC TC III, Dec. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Order Scheduling a Status Conference, ICC-02/05-03/09-429 (ICC TC IV, Dec. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the Request to Present Views and Concerns of Victims on Their Legal Representation at the Trial Phase, ICC-01/09-01/11-511 (ICC TC V, Dec. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the Joint Defence Request for an Indication of Prosecution's Continued Reliance on Confirmation Witnesses, ICC-01/09-01/11-510 (ICC TC V, Dec. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on the Participation of Victims in the Appeals against Trial Chamber I's Conviction and Sentencing Decisions, ICC-01/04-01/06-2951 (ICC AC, Dec. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Requete de la Defense Aux Fins de Levee de Certaines Expurgations Accordees Par la Juge Unique au Procureur Dans Sa Decision du 13 Novembre 2012 (ICC-02/11-01/11-294)", ICC-02/11-01/11-322 (ICC PTC I, Dec. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Temporary Suspension of the Proceedings Pursuant to Regulation 55(2) of the Regulations of the Court and Related Procedural Deadlines, ICC-01/05-01/08-2480 (ICC TC III, Dec. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision on the "Defence Application for Leave to Appeal the 'Decision on the Defence Request for a Temporary Stay of Proceedings'", ICC-02/05-03/09-428 (ICC TC IV, Dec. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Order Convening an Ex Parte Status Conference, ICC-01/09-02/11-566 (ICC TC V, Dec. 12, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Judgment on the Appeal of Mr Laurent Koudou Gbagbo against the Decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I on Jurisdiction and Stay of the Proceedings, ICC-02/11-01/11-321 (ICC AC, Dec. 12, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the OPCD Application for Leave the Appeal and Request for Reconsideration of the "Decision on the 'submissions of the Libyan Government with Respect to the Matters Raised in a Private Session During the Hearing on 9-10 October 2012'", ICC-01/11-01/11-242-Red (ICC PTC I, Dec. 11, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Corrigendum to the Order in Relation to the Request for Arrest and Surrender of Abdullah Al-Senussi, ICC-01/11-01/11-241-Corr (ICC PTC I, Dec. 10, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision Requesting Further Submissions on Issues Related to the Admissibility of the Case against Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, ICC-01/11-01/11-239 (ICC PTC I, Dec. 07, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order Convening an Ex Parte Status Conference, ICC-01/05-01/08-2471 (ICC TC III, Dec. 07, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on Joint Defence Request for Extension of Time, ICC-01/09-01/11-497 (ICC TC V, Dec. 06, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Scheduling Order for the Judgment on the Appeal of Mr Laurent Koudou Gbagbo against the Decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I on Jurisdiction and Stay of Proceedings, ICC-02/11-01/11-313 (ICC AC, Dec. 06, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Order Scheduling a Status Conference, ICC-02/11-01/11-308 (ICC PTC I, Dec. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on Second Prosecution Application for Authorisation of Non-Standard Redactions, ICC-01/09-01/11-493 (ICC TC V, Dec. 03, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on Fifth Prosecution Application for Authorisation of Non-Standard Redactions, ICC-01/09-02/11-552 (ICC TC V, Dec. 03, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision Shortening Time for Observations on the "Registry Report to the Chamber on the Feasibility of the Modalities of Specific Arrangements in Relation to Witness Testimony", ICC-01/05-01/08-2448 (ICC TC III, Nov. 30, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on Three Applications for Leave to Appeal, ICC-02/11-01/11-307 (ICC PTC I, Nov. 29, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on Mr Lubanga's Request for an Extension of the Page Limit, ICC-01/04-01/06-2946 (ICC AC, Nov. 28, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order on the Filing of A Response to the "Requete de la Defense Aux Fins d'Augmentation du Nombre de Pages Autorisees Pour Son Memoire Depose Dans le Cadre de Son Appel a l'Encontre de du 'Jugement Rendu en Application de l'Article 74 du Statut'", ICC-01/04-01/06-2944 (ICC AC, Nov. 27, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Order regarding Redactions, ICC-01/09-01/11-482 (ICC TC V, Nov. 26, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Order regarding Redactions, ICC-01/09-02/11-541 (ICC TC V, Nov. 26, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Duty Counsel's "Requete Tendant a Obtenir Levee des Mesures Coercitives Pesant Sur le Temoin D04-49 (Article 64-6-F du Statut de Rome)", ICC-01/05-01/08-2440 (ICC TC III, Nov. 26, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision Appointing a Common Legal Representative of Victims, ICC-01/09-01/11-479 (ICC TC V, Nov. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Requests in Relation to the 'Decision on the Review of Laurent Gbagbo's Detention Pursuant to Article 60(3) of the Rome Statute'", ICC-02/11-01/11-304 (ICC AC, Nov. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in Relation to the Filing of the Office of Public Counsel for Victims Entitled "Requests in Relation to the 'Decision on the Review of Laurent Gbagbo's Detention Pursuant to Article 60(3) of the Rome Statute'", ICC-02/11-01/11-303 (ICC AC, Nov. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision on the Implementation of Regulation 55 of the Regulations of the Court and Severing the Charges against the Accused Persons, ICC-01/04-01/07-3319/FRA (ICC TC II, Nov. 21, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the "Submissions of the Libyan Government with Respect to the Matters Raised in a Private Session During the Hearing on 9-10 October 2012", ICC-01/11-01/11-233-Red (ICC PTC I, Nov. 21, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Order regarding the Content of the Charges, ICC-01/09-01/11-475 (ICC TC V, Nov. 20, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision Appointing a Common Legal Representative of Victims, ICC-01/09-02/11-537 (ICC TC V, Nov. 20, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Order regarding the Content of the Charges, ICC-01/09-02/11-536 (ICC TC V, Nov. 20, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the Application for a Ruling on the Legality of the Arrest of Mr Dennis Ole Itumbi, ICC-01/09-02/11-534 (ICC TC V, Nov. 19, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision Requesting the Defence to Provide Further Information on the Procedural Impact of the Chamber's Notification Pursuant to Regulation 55(2) of the Regulations of the Court, ICC-01/05-01/08-2419 (ICC TC III, Nov. 19, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision Requesting the VWU's Observations on the "Requete Tendant a Obtenir Levee des Mesures Coercitives Pesant Sur le Temoin D04-49 (Article 64-6-F du Statut de Rome)", ICC-01/05-01/08-2418 (ICC TC III, Nov. 19, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision Granting the Application by Kituo Cha Sheria for Leave to Submit Observations, ICC-01/09-01/11-473 (ICC TC V, Nov. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision Granting the Application by Kituo Cha Sheria for Leave to Submit Observations, ICC-01/09-02/11-532 (ICC TC V, Nov. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the Prosecution Request for Leave to Reply, ICC-01/09-02/11-530 (ICC TC V, Nov. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the OPCV's "Request in Relation to the 'Decision on the Fitness of Laurent Gbagbo to Take Part in the Proceedings Before This Court'", ICC-02/11-01/11-296 (ICC PTC I, Nov. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Prosecution's Request Pursuant to Regulation 35 for Variation of Time Limit to Disclose Incriminating Evidence and Modify the List of Evidence for the Confirmation Hearing, and Request for Redactions", ICC-02/11-01/11-294 (ICC PTC I, Nov. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Review of Laurent Gbagbo's Detention Pursuant to Article 60(3) of the Rome Statute, ICC-02/11-01/11-291 (ICC PTC I, Nov. 12, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the Supplementary Protocol Concerning the Handling of Confidential Information Concerning Victims and Contacts of a Party with Victims, ICC-01/09-01/11-472 (ICC TC V, Nov. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the Supplementary Protocol Concerning the Handling of Confidential Information Concerning Victims and Contacts of a Party with Victims, ICC-01/09-02/11-524 (ICC TC V, Nov. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on Updated Report on Joint Instruction of Experts, ICC-01/09-01/11-470 (ICC TC V, Nov. 07, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the Defence Request to Change the Place of the Proceedings, ICC-01/09-02/11-522 (ICC TC V, Nov. 07, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on 799 Applications by Victims to Participate in the Proceedings, ICC-01/05-01/08-2401 (ICC TC III, Nov. 05, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Fitness of Laurent Gbagbo to Take Part in the Proceedings Before This Court, ICC-02/11-01/11-286-Red (ICC PTC I, Nov. 02, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Defence Request for Leave to Appeal the Decision on the Prosecution's Application for Admission of Materials into Evidence Pursuant to Article 64(9) of the Rome Statute", ICC-01/05-01/08-2399 (ICC TC III, Oct. 30, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on Two Defence Requests in Relation to the Hearing Scheduled for 30 October 2012, ICC-02/11-01/11-280 (ICC PTC I, Oct. 26, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Judgment on the Appeal of Mr Laurent Koudou Gbagbo Against the Decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I of 13 July 2012 Entitled "Decision on the 'Requete de la Defense Demandant la Mise en Liberte Provisoire du President Gbagbo'", ICC-02/11-01/11-278-Red (ICC AC, Oct. 26, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision on the Defence Request for a Temporary Stay of Proceedings, ICC-02/05-03/09-410 (ICC TC IV, Oct. 26, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Public Redacted Version of the "Second Decision on Article 54(3)(E) Documents", ICC-02/05-03/09-407-Red (ICC TC IV, Oct. 26, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the Appeal of Mr Thomas Lubanga Dyilo against the Decision of Trial Chamber I Entitled "Judgment Pursuant to Article 74 of the Statute", ICC-01/04-01/06-2941 (ICC AC, Oct. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the Appeals of the Prosecutor and Mr Thomas Lubanga Dyilo against the Decision of Trial Chamber I Entitled "Decision on Sentence Pursuant to Article 76 of the Statute", ICC-01/04-01/06-2940 (ICC AC, Oct. 24, 2012)

Situation in the Central African Republic, Decision on the "Notification by the Board of Directors in Accordance with Regulation 50 A) of the Regulations of the Trust Fund for Victims to Undertake Activities in the Central African Republic", ICC-01/05-41 (ICC PTC II, Oct. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Scheduling Order for the Judgment on the Appeal of Mr Laurent Koudou Gbagbo Against the Decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I of 13 July 2012 Entitled "Decision on the 'Requete de la Defense Demandant la Mise en Liberte Provisoire du President Gbagbo'", ICC-02/11-01/11-275 (ICC AC, Oct. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Order Scheduling a Hearing Pursuant to Rule 118(3) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, ICC-02/11-01/11-270 (ICC PTC I, Oct. 19, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision Further to the "Directions on the Submissions of Observations" Issued on 31 August 2012 and on the Clarification Request of Mr Gbagbo, ICC-02/11-01/11-268 (ICC AC, Oct. 18, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Order in Relation to the Request by Duty Counsel of DRC-D02-P-0236, DRC-D02-P-0228 and DRC-D02-P-0350 to be Transferred to Hearings Before the Court of Appeals of the Hague, ICC-01/04-01/07-3318 (ICC TC II, Oct. 17, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on Requests Related to Page Limits and Reclassification of Documents, ICC-02/11-01/11-266 (ICC AC, Oct. 16, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Matsanga, Order on the Reclassification of Certain Documents, ICC-01/09-107 (ICC AC, Oct. 16, 2012)

Hostility at the Detention Centre, Order Concerning the Relationship Between the Detained Persons and the Staff of the Detention Centre, ICC-RoR221-01/12-8 (ICC Pres., Oct. 16, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision Replacing a Judge in the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/06-2938 (ICC Pres., Oct. 11, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Demande d'Autorisation d'Interjeter Appel de la Decision de la Juge Unique Portant Sur la Question de la Participation des Victimes a la Procedure Relative a l'Etat de Sante du President Gbagbo et a Son Aptitude a Etre Juge (ICC-02/11-01/11-211)", ICC-02/11-01/11-265 (ICC PTC I, Oct. 11, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public Redacted Version of "Decision on the Prosecution's Application for Admission of Materials into Evidence Pursuant to Article 64(9) of the Rome Statute" of 6 September 2012, ICC-01/05-01/08-2299-Red (ICC TC III, Oct. 08, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on Observations Submitted by OPCV on Behalf of Victims, ICC-02/11-01/11-256 (ICC AC, Oct. 05, 2012)

A Detainee v. Registrar, Public Redacted Order Concerning the "Decision on the Request for Judicial Review Dated 18 August 2012", ICC-RoR221-03/12-5-Red (ICC Pres., Oct. 04, 2012)

A Detainee v. Registrar, Public Redacted Decision on the Request for Judicial Review Dated 18 August 2012, ICC-RoR221-03/12-4-Red (ICC Pres., Oct. 04, 2012)

A Detainee v. Registrar, Order Concerning the Request for Judicial Review Dated 18 August 2012, ICC-RoR221-03/12-2 (ICC Pres., Oct. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on Victims' Representation and Participation, ICC-01/09-01/11-460 (ICC TC V, Oct. 03, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on Victims' Representation and Participation, ICC-01/09-02/11-498 (ICC TC V, Oct. 03, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the "Libyan Government Request, Made in the Interest of Judicial Efficacy, to Either: (A) Treat the Hearing Scheduled for 9-10 October 2012 As a Status Conference; Or (B) Reschedule the Admissibility Hearing for November 2012", ICC-01/11-01/11-217 (ICC PTC I, Oct. 03, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Amended Order of Witnesses to be Called by the Defence, ICC-01/05-01/08-2329 (ICC TC III, Oct. 03, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on OPCD Requests in Relation to the Hearing on the Admissibility of the Case, ICC-01/11-01/11-212 (ICC PTC I, Oct. 02, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on Observations Submitted by the Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, ICC-02/11-01/11-254 (ICC AC, Oct. 01, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order Setting an Agenda for a Status Conference on Issues Related to the Presentation of Evidence by the Defence, ICC-01/05-01/08-2327 (ICC TC III, Sep. 28, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public Redacted Version of "Decision on the "'Third Defence Submissions on the Presentation of its Evidence'" of 6 July 2012, ICC-01/05-01/08-2242-Red (ICC TC III, Sep. 28, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the Protocol Establishing a Redaction Regime, ICC-01/09-01/11-458 (ICC TC V, Sep. 27, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the Protocol Establishing a Redaction Regime, ICC-01/09-02/11-495 (ICC TC V, Sep. 27, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Itumbi, Decision on the "Application for a Ruling on the Legality of the Arrest of Mr. Dennis Ole Itumbi", ICC-01/09-106 (ICC PTC II, Sep. 25, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the "Defence Request for Redactions in Prosecution Filing ICC-01/09-02/11-468-Anxd" and on the Reclassification of Two Documents, ICC-01/09-02/11-491 (ICC TC V, Sep. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision Giving Notice to the Parties and Participants that the Legal Characterisation of the Facts may be Subject to Change in Accordance with Regulation 55(2) of the Regulations of the Court, ICC-01/05-01/08-2324 (ICC TC III, Sep. 21, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on Issues Related to the Hearing on Mr Gbagbo's Fitness to Take Part in the Proceedings against Him, ICC-02/11-01/11-249 (ICC PTC I, Sep. 20, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Directions on the Conduct of the Appeal Proceedings, ICC-01/04-01/06-2923 (ICC AC, Sep. 17, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the Appeal of Mr Thomas Lubanga Dyilo Pursuant to the Trial Chamber's "Decision on the Defence Request for Leave to Appeal the Decision Establishing the Principles and Procedures to be Applied to Reparations" (ICC-01/04-01/06-2911), ICC-01/04-01/06-2922 (ICC AC, Sep. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Order Convening a Hearing on Libya's Challenge to the Admissibility of the Case against Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, ICC-01/11-01/11-207 (ICC PTC I, Sep. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on Two Requests for Leave to Submit Amicus Curiae Observations, ICC-01/09-01/11-456 (ICC TC V, Sep. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on Two Requests for Leave to Submit Amicus Curiae Observations, ICC-01/09-02/11-484 (ICC TC V, Sep. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the "Request for Reclassification in Respect of the 'Prosecution's Submission of the Updated Document Containing the Charges Pursuant to Order ICC-01/09-02/11-450, Annex D'", ICC-01/09-02/11-482 (ICC TC V, Sep. 12, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Order Scheduling a Hearing in Relation to Mr Gbagbo's Fitness to Take Part in the Proceedings against Him, ICC-02/11-01/11-241 (ICC PTC I, Sep. 12, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision on the Prosecution's Applications for Lifting Redactions on Material Relating to Witnesses 307 and 484 Pursuant to Regulation 42 of the Regulations of the Court, ICC-02/05-03/09-393 (ICC TC IV, Sep. 12, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision on the Prosecution's Applications for Lifting Redactions on Material Related to Witnesses 315, 442 and 486 Pursuant to Regulation 42 of the Regulations of the Court, ICC-02/05-03/09-392 (ICC TC IV, Sep. 12, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the Appeal of Mr Thomas Lubanga Dyilo Filed on 6 September 2012 against the Decision of Trial Chamber I Entitled "Decision Establishing the Principles and Procedures to be Applied to Reparations", ICC-01/04-01/06-2920 (ICC AC, Sep. 11, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision Replacing a Judge in the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/06-2918 (ICC Pres., Sep. 07, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Order in Relation to the Request by the Duty Counsel on the Transport of Witnesses DRC-D02-P-0236, DRC-D02-P-0228, and DRC-D02-P-0350 to the District Court of the Hague (Article 44(3) of the Headquarters Agreement), ICC-01/04-01/07-3314 (ICC TC II, Sep. 07, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Matsanga, Public Redacted Version - Decision on the Request for Disqualification of the Prosecutor in the Investigation against Mr David Nyekorach-Matsanga, ICC-01/09-96-Red (ICC AC, Sep. 06, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the Appeals Filed by Ms Carine Bapita Buyangandu, Mr Paul Kabongo Tshibangu and the Office of Public Counsel for Victims As Well As by Mr Luc Walleyn and Mr Franck Mulenda against the Decision of Trial Chamber I Entitled "Decision Establishing the Principles and Procedures to be Applied to Reparations", ICC-01/04-01/06-2916 (ICC AC, Sep. 06, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision Replacing a Judge in the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/06-2915 (ICC Pres., Sep. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Prosecution Motion on Procedure for Contacting Defence Witnesses and to Compel Disclosure", ICC-01/05-01/08-2293 (ICC TC III, Sep. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the "Joint Prosecution/Defence Application Pursuant to Regulation 35 of the Regulations of the Court", ICC-01/09-02/11-474 (ICC TC V, Sep. 03, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Decision on the "Requete en Contestation de Deux Decisions de la Section a l'Appui des Conseils Relatives a l'Aide Judiciaire", ICC-01/04-01/10-517 (ICC PTC II, Sep. 03, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Order on the Re-Filing of the "Observations de la Defense Sur Les Rapports Medicaux Prepares Par Les Experts Nommes Par la Chambre et Sur la Procedure a Suivre", ICC-02/11-01/11-238 (ICC PTC I, Sep. 03, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Defence Motion regarding Prosecution Disclosure", ICC-01/05-01/08-2292 (ICC TC III, Sep. 03, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision Replacing a Judge in the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/06-2913 (ICC Pres., Aug. 30, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision Replacing a Judge in the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/06-2912 (ICC Pres., Aug. 29, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on the Defence Request for Leave to Appeal the Decision Establishing the Principles and Procedures to be Applied to Reparations, ICC-01/04-01/06-2911 (ICC TC I, Aug. 29, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the Reclassification of Documents, ICC-01/05-01/08-2287 (ICC TC III, Aug. 27, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the Protocol Concerning the Handling of Confidential Information and Contacts of a Party with Witnesses Whom the Opposing Party Intends to Call, ICC-01/09-01/11-449 (ICC TC V, Aug. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the Protocol Concerning the Handling of Confidential Information and Contacts of a Party with Witnesses Whom the Opposing Party Intends to Call, ICC-01/09-02/11-469 (ICC TC V, Aug. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the Appeal of Mr. Laurent Gbagbo against the Decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I Entitled "Decision on the 'Corrigendum of the Challenge to the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court on the Basis of Articles 12(3), 19(2), 21(3), 44 and 59 of the Rome Statute Filed by the Defence for President Gbagbo (ICC-02/11-01/11-129)'", ICC-02/11-01/11-226 (ICC AC, Aug. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the "Joint Prosecution/ Kenyatta Defence Application Pursuant to Regulation 35 of the Regulations of the Court", ICC-01/09-02/11-467 (ICC TC V, Aug. 21, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the OPCD "Urgent Request Pursuant to Regulation 35 of the Regulations of the Court", ICC-01/11-01/11-203 (ICC PTC I, Aug. 21, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Prosecution's Motion to Exclude Defence Political-Military Strategy Expert", ICC-01/05-01/08-2273 (ICC TC III, Aug. 21, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Defence "Demande de Prorogation du Delai Relatif au Depot d'Observations Sur l'Etat de Sante du President Gbagbo, Son Aptitude a Etre Juge et Sur la Suite de la Procedure", ICC-02/11-01/11-218 (ICC PTC I, Aug. 17, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the Defence's Request for Specific Relief in Respect of Three Witnesses of the Prosecution, ICC-01/09-02/11-465 (ICC TC V, Aug. 16, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Corrigendum of the Challenge to the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court on the Basis of Articles 12(3), 19(2), 21(3), 55 and 59 of the Rome Statute Filed by the Defence for President Gbagbo (ICC-02/11-01/11-129)", ICC-02/11-01/11-212 (ICC PTC I, Aug. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the OPCV's "Request for Leave to Submit Observations and Request to Access the Expert Reports", ICC-02/11-01/11-211 (ICC PTC I, Aug. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the "Libyan Government Request for Status Conference and Extension of Time to File a Reply to the Responses to its Article 19 Admissibility Challenge", ICC-01/11-01/11-200 (ICC PTC I, Aug. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision Establishing the Principles and Procedures to be Applied to Reparations, ICC-01/04-01/06-2904 (ICC TC I, Aug. 07, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision Shortening Time for Observations on the "Prosecution's Motion to Exclude Defence Political-Military Strategy Expert", ICC-01/05-01/08-2254 (ICC TC III, Aug. 06, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on Issues Related to the Proceedings under Rule 135 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence and Postponing the Date of the Confirmation of Charges Hearing, ICC-02/11-01/11-201 (ICC PTC I, Aug. 02, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision Shortening the Time Limit for Responses to the "Libyan Government Request for Status Conference and Extension of Time to File a Reply to the Responses to its Article 19 Admissibility Challenge", ICC-01/11-01/11-193 (ICC PTC I, Aug. 01, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Requete de la Defense Aux Fins d'expurgation de Deux Attestations" and the "Demande Aux Fins de Mesures de Protection", ICC-02/11-01/11-195 (ICC PTC I, Jul. 26, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the "Libyan Government Application for Leave to Reply to Any Response/S to Article 19 Admissibility Challenge", ICC-01/11-01/11-191 (ICC PTC I, Jul. 26, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision on the Defence Application for Disclosure of Confidential Documents to Dutch Asylum Lawyers Representing Pitchou Iribi and Ndjabu Ngabu, ICC-01/04-01/07-3312 (ICC TC II, Jul. 20, 2012)

Situation in the Republic of Mali, Decision Assigning the Situation in the Republic of Mali to Pre-Trial Chamber II, ICC-01/12-1 (ICC Pres., Jul. 19, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Requete Aux Fins de Suspension des Delais Prevus Par la Regle 154(1) du Reglement de Procedure et de Preuve et Par la Norme 64(5) du Reglement de la Cour Jusqu'A la Fin des Vacances Judiciaires, Fixee au Lundi 6 Aout 2012", ICC-02/11-01/11-189 (ICC AC, Jul. 19, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public Redacted Version of "Decision on the Tenth and Seventeenth Transmissions of Applications by Victims to Participate in the Proceedings", ICC-01/05-01/08-2247-Red (ICC TC III, Jul. 19, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in Relation to the "Requete Aux Fins de Suspension des Delais Prevus Par la Regle 154(1) du Reglement de Procedure et de Preuve et Par la Norme 64(5) du Reglement de la Cour Jusqu'A la Fin des Vacances Judiciaires, Fixee au Lundi 6 Aout 2012" and Related Proceedings, ICC-02/11-01/11-187 (ICC AC, Jul. 18, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the OPCD "Request Pursuant to Regulation 23Bis of the Regulations", ICC-01/11-01/11-187-Red (ICC PTC I, Jul. 18, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Schedule for the Confirmation of Charges Hearing and Related Issues, ICC-02/11-01/11-186 (ICC PTC I, Jul. 16, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the Prosecutor's Application under Article 58, ICC-01/04-02/06-36-Red (ICC PTC II, Jul. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mudacumura, Decision on the Prosecutor's Application under Article 58, ICC-01/04-01/12-1-Red (ICC PTC II, Jul. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Requete de la Defense Demandant la Mise en Liberte Provisoire du President Gbagbo", ICC-02/11-01/11-180-Red (ICC PTC I, Jul. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Requete de la Defense du President Gbagbo Relative a la Prorogation du Delai Accorde Par la Chambre Pour Demander des Mesures de Expurgations", ICC-02/11-01/11-179 (ICC PTC I, Jul. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision on the "Prosecution's Application for Variation of Protective Measures Pursuant to Regulation 42 of the Regulations of the Court by Lifting Certain Redactions Authorised Pursuant to Rule 81(4) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence", ICC-02/05-03/09-368 (ICC TC IV, Jul. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision on the Application for Leave to Appeal the "Decision on Common Legal Representation", ICC-02/05-03/09-367 (ICC TC IV, Jul. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Requete de la Defense du President Gbagbo Relative a la Prorogation du Delai Accorde Par la Chambre Pour Demander des Mesures de Protection", ICC-02/11-01/11-177 (ICC PTC I, Jul. 12, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on Sentence Pursuant to Article 76 of the Statute, ICC-01/04-01/06-2901 (ICC TC I, Jul. 10, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Prosecution's Request to Redact the Name of an Investigator From the Metadata of Documents to be Added to its Amended List of Evidence", the "Prosecution's Request Pursuant to Regulation 35 for Extension of Time for Disclosure and for Variation of Time Limit to Submit a Request for Redactions" and Related Issues, ICC-02/11-01/11-176 (ICC PTC I, Jul. 10, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the Schedule Leading Up to Trial, ICC-01/09-01/11-440 (ICC TC V, Jul. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the Schedule Leading Up to Trial, ICC-01/09-02/11-451 (ICC TC V, Jul. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Amended Order Scheduling the Delivery of the Decisions Pursuant to Articles 75 and 76, ICC-01/04-01/06-2899 (ICC TC I, Jul. 06, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Order on the Scheduling of a Hearing and Status Conferences on 11 July 2012, ICC-02/05-03/09-366 (ICC TC IV, Jul. 06, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Order for the Prosecution to File an Updated Document Containing the Charges, ICC-01/09-01/11-439 (ICC TC V, Jul. 05, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Order for the Prosecution to File an Updated Document Containing the Charges, ICC-01/09-02/11-450 (ICC TC V, Jul. 05, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the OPCD "Demande Urgente en Extension de Delai", ICC-01/11-01/11-184 (ICC PTC I, Jul. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order Scheduling the Delivery of the Decisions Pursuant to Articles 75 and 76, ICC-01/04-01/06-2898 (ICC TC I, Jun. 29, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on OPCV Requests for Access to Confidential Documents in the Record of the Case, ICC-02/11-01/11-166 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 27, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Public Redacted Order on the Scheduling of a Hearing and Status Conferences, ICC-02/05-03/09-348-Red (ICC TC IV, Jun. 26, 2012)

A Detainee v. Registrar, Order Concerning the "Decision on the Application for Judicial Review Dated 5 April 2012", ICC-RoR221-02/12-6-Red (ICC Pres., Jun. 22, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the Defence's Request for Interim Measures in Relation to the Prosecution's Contacts with Potential Defence Witnesses, ICC-01/09-02/11-439 (ICC TC V, Jun. 20, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Order on the E-Court Protocol, ICC-01/09-01/11-427 (ICC TC V, Jun. 19, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Order on the E-Court Protocol, ICC-01/09-02/11-438 (ICC TC V, Jun. 19, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Public Redacted Version of Decision on the Prosecution's Application for Redactions ICC-02/05-03/09-206-Conf-Exp, ICC-02/05-03/09-266-Red (ICC TC IV, Jun. 18, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Order setting the deadline for submissions on Regulation 55 and Article 25(3), ICC-01/09-01/11-426 (ICC TC V, Jun. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the conduct of the proceedings following the defence challenge to the jurisdiction of the Court pursuant to article 19 of the Rome Statute, ICC-02/11-01/11-153 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Requ�te de la D�fense en report de l'audience de confirmation des charges pr�vue le 18 juin 2012", ICC-02/11-01/11-152-Red (ICC PTC I, Jun. 12, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the Request for Disqualification of the Prosecutor, ICC-01/11-01/11-175 (ICC AC, Jun. 12, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order on the Defence Request to Present Evidence During the Sentencing Hearing, ICC-01/04-01/06-2895 (ICC TC I, Jun. 11, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Submissions on Defence Evidence", ICC-01/05-01/08-2225 (ICC TC III, Jun. 07, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Scheduling order and amended agenda for the status conference, ICC-01/09-01/11-422 (ICC TC V, Jun. 06, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Scheduling order and amended agenda for the status conference, ICC-01/09-02/11-431 (ICC TC V, Jun. 06, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Notification of the decision on the ''Defence Request for the Disqualification of a Judge", ICC-02/05-03/09-344 (ICC Pres., Jun. 05, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on Victims' Participation and Victims' Common Legal Representation at the Confirmation of Charges Hearing and in the Related Proceedings, ICC-02/11-01/11-138 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the "Application for Leave to Appeal Against 'Decision on the Application on behalf of Mishana Hosseinioun for Leave to Submit Observations to the Pre-Trial Chamber'", ICC-01/11-01/11-170 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the "Application on behalf of Mishana Hosseinioun for Leave to Submit Observations to the Pre-Trial Chamber in the Admissibility Proceedings", ICC-01/11-01/11-169 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the "Request related to the filing of observations by the Amicus Curiae", ICC-01/11-01/11-168 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Second Order on the Reclassification of Transcripts, ICC-01/05-01/08-2223 (ICC TC III, Jun. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Order on Duty Counsel's Requests Concerning the Detention of Witnesses DRC-D02-P-0236, DRC-D02-P-0228 and DRC-D02-P-0350, ICC-01/04-01/07-3303 (ICC TC II, Jun. 01, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Requ�te de la D�fense aux fins de prorogation du d�lai d'expurgation, aux fins d'expurgation et aux fins d'attribution de pseudonymes aux t�moins", ICC-02/11-01/11-136 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 01, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the OPCD's "Urgent Request for Extension of Time", ICC-01/11-01/11-165 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 01, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the postponement of the execution of the request for surrender of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi pursuant to article 95 of the Rome Statute, ICC-01/11-01/11-163 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 01, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mudacumura, Decision on the Prosecutor's Application under Article 58, ICC-01/04-613 (ICC PTC II, May. 31, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Judgment on the appeal of the Prosecutor against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I of 16 December 2011 entitled "Decision on the confirmation of charges", ICC-01/04-01/10-514 (ICC AC, May. 30, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Kenya, Decision on the Government of Kenya's Application for Leave to Appeal Pursuant to Article 82(1)(D) of the Rome Statute, ICC-01/09-86 (ICC PTC II, May. 29, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order on the defence request for an extension of time, ICC-01/04-01/06-2888 (ICC TC I, May. 28, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the OPCD request for variation of time limit, ICC-01/11-01/11-159 (ICC PTC I, May. 28, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Scheduling Order for the judgment on the appeal of the Prosecutor against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I of 16 December 2011 entitled "Decision on the confirmation of charges", ICC-01/04-01/10-513 (ICC AC, May. 25, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision on Common Legal Representation, ICC-02/05-03/09-337 (ICC TC IV, May. 25, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the appeals of Mr William Samoei Ruto and Mr Joshua Arap Sang against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II of 23 January 2012 entitled "Decision on the Confirmation of Charges Pursuant to Article 61(7)(a) and (b) of the Rome Statute", ICC-01/09-01/11-414 (ICC AC, May. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the appeal of Mr Francis Kirimi Muthaura and Mr Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II of 23 January 2012 entitled "Decision on the Confirmation of Charges Pursuant to Article 61(7)(a) and (b) of the Rome Statute", ICC-01/09-02/11-425 (ICC AC, May. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Starting Date of the Defence Presentation of Evidence and Related Issues, ICC-01/05-01/08-2221 (ICC TC III, May. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Presentation of Views and Concerns by Victims A/0542/08, A/0394/08 and A/0511/08, ICC-01/05-01/08-2220 (ICC TC III, May. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Order to the Prosecution for Information on Potentially Exculpatory Evidence Or Rule 77 Material, ICC-02/05-03/09-336 (ICC TC IV, May. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on 1400 Applications by Victims to Participate in the Proceedings, ICC-01/05-01/08-2219 (ICC TC III, May. 21, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the "Application by Lawyers for Justice in Libya and the Redress Trust for Leave to Submit Observations pursuant to Rule 103 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence", ICC-01/11-01/11-153 (ICC PTC I, May. 18, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Requ�te de la D�fense du Pr�sident Gbagbo en vue d'une prorogation de d�lais pour la soumission d'informations relatives � la pr�sentation de t�moignages viva voce lors de l'audience de confirmation des charges", ICC-02/11-01/11-115 (ICC PTC I, May. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the OPCV "Request to Access Documents in Relation to the Challenge to the Jurisdiction of the Court by the Government of Libya", ICC-01/11-01/11-147 (ICC PTC I, May. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Order scheduling a status conference, ICC-01/09-01/11-413 (ICC TC V, May. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Order scheduling a status conference, ICC-01/09-02/11-422 (ICC TC V, May. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision on the Defence Application for Leave to Appeal the 'D�cision relative � la requ�te de la D�fense de Germain Katanga tendant � l'admission d'extraits du jugement prononc� dans l'affaire Lubanga", ICC-01/04-01/07-3292 (ICC TC II, May. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Prosecution's request for extension of page limit for the Document Containing the Charges", ICC-02/11-01/11-112 (ICC PTC I, May. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the request to temporarily suspend the Prosecutor from conducting any prosecutorial activities related to the case pending the determination of the request for disqualification, ICC-01/11-01/11-140 (ICC AC, May. 11, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order concerning the "Requ�te de la D�fense aux fins de juger que seuls le Procureur et la D�fense peuvent pr�senter des observations sur la peine � prononcer � l'encontre de M. Thomas Lubanga", ICC-01/04-01/06-2875 (ICC TC I, May. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Order on the filing of a public redacted version of the "Observations des victimes autoris�es � participer � la proc�dure sur Pappel du Procureur contre la 'D�cision relative � la confirmation des charges' (ICC-01/04-01/10-465-ConftFRA)", ICC-01/04-01/10-512 (ICC AC, May. 08, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Defence request for an ex parte status conference", ICC-01/05-01/08-2213 (ICC TC III, May. 08, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision requesting observations from the parties on the schedule of the confirmation of charges hearing, ICC-02/11-01/11-107 (ICC PTC I, May. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber for the proceedings with respect to the "Request to Disqualify the Prosecutor from Participating in the Case Against Mr. Saif Al Islam Gaddafi", ICC-01/11-01/11-135 (ICC AC, May. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the Conduct of the Proceedings Following the "Application on behalf of the Government of Libya pursuant to Article 19 of the Statute", ICC-01/11-01/11-134 (ICC PTC I, May. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Order on the submission of comments by the Prosecutor on the "Request to Disqualify the Prosecutor from Participating in the Case Against Mr. Saif Al Islam Gaddafi", ICC-01/11-01/11-136 (ICC AC, May. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on the defence request for leave to appeal, ICC-01/04-01/06-2874 (ICC TC I, May. 03, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Second decision on the Prosecutor's requests for redactions, ICC-02/11-01/11-106 (ICC PTC I, May. 02, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the "Request to Make Oral Submissions on Jurisdiction under Rule 156(3)", ICC-01/09-02/11-421 (ICC AC, May. 01, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on OPCD Requests, ICC-01/11-01/11-129 (ICC PTC I, Apr. 27, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision notifying the election of the Presiding Judge, ICC-01/09-01/11-411 (ICC TC V, Apr. 26, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision notifying the election of the Presiding Judge, ICC-01/09-02/11-420 (ICC TC V, Apr. 26, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on "Government of Libya's Appeal Against the 'Decision Regarding the Second Request by the Government of Libya for Postponement of the Surrender of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi'" of 10 April 2012, ICC-01/11-01/11-126 (ICC AC, Apr. 25, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order fixing the date for the sentencing hearing, ICC-01/04-01/06-2871 (ICC TC I, Apr. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the "Application on behalf of Mishana Hosseinioun for Leave to Submit Observations to the Pre-Trial Chamber", ICC-01/11-01/11-124 (ICC PTC I, Apr. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the "Application of the Victims' Representative pursuant to Article 83 of the Regulations", ICC-01/09-01/11-409 (ICC AC, Apr. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the "Notification regarding the Legal Representation of Participating Victims in the Appeal Proceedings", ICC-01/09-02/11-416 (ICC AC, Apr. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision on the Urgent Requests by the Legal Representative of Victims for Review of Registrar's Decision of 3 April 2012 regarding Legal Aid, ICC-01/04-01/07-3277 (ICC TC II, Apr. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision granting leave to make representations in the reparations proceedings, ICC-01/04-01/06-2870 (ICC TC I, Apr. 20, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Prosecution's request pursuant to Regulation 35 for variation of time limit to submit a request for redactions and for the extension of time for disclosure", ICC-02/11-01/11-97 (ICC PTC I, Apr. 20, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the appeal of Libya against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I entitled "Decision Regarding the Second Request by the Government of Libya for Postponement of the Surrender of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi", ICC-01/11-01/11-119 (ICC AC, Apr. 20, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Defence Request for an Extension of Time, ICC-01/05-01/08-2192 (ICC TC III, Apr. 20, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Notification of the decision on the request for excusal of a Judge (including Annexes), ICC-01/11-01/11-118 (ICC Pres., Apr. 19, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Order on the recruitment of Zaghawa language assistants by the prosecution, ICC-02/05-03/09-322 (ICC TC IV, Apr. 18, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision Appointing Counsel from the OPCD as Counsel for Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, ICC-01/11-01/11-113 (ICC PTC I, Apr. 17, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Notification concerning the ''Defence Request for the Disqualification of a Judge" dated 2 April 2012, ICC-02/05-03/09-321 (ICC Pres., Apr. 17, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on the OPCV's request to participate in the reparations proceedings, ICC-01/04-01/06-2858 (ICC TC I, Apr. 05, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Second decision on issues related to the victims' application process, ICC-02/11-01/11-86 (ICC PTC I, Apr. 05, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision Regarding the Second Request by the Government of Libya for Postponement of the Surrender of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, ICC-01/11-01/11-100 (ICC PTC I, Apr. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on Reclassification of Documents, ICC-01/11-01/11-99 (ICC PTC I, Apr. 04, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Prosecution's urgent request pursuant to Regulation 35 for variation of time limit to submit a request for redactions and Notice of information regarding the coming disclosure", ICC-02/11-01/11-81-Red (ICC PTC I, Apr. 03, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Decision on the "Requete tendant � obtenir autorisation de participer � la proc�dure d'appel contre la 'D�cision relative � la confirmation des charges' (ICC-01/04-01/10-465-Conf-tFRA)", ICC-01/04-01/10-509 (ICC AC, Apr. 02, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision constituting Trial Chamber V and referring to it the case of The Prosecutor v. William Samoei Ruto and Joshua Arap Sang, ICC-01/09-01/11-406 (ICC Pres., Mar. 29, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision referring the case of The Prosecutor v. Francis Kirimi Muthaura and Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta to Trial Chamber V, ICC-01/09-02/11-414 (ICC Pres., Mar. 29, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Addendum to the "First decision on the Prosecutor's requests for redactions and other protective measures", ICC-02/11-01/11-75 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 29, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision on the Request of the Legal Representatives of victim a/6000/11 pursuant to Regulation 35, ICC-02/05-03/09-314 (ICC TC IV, Mar. 29, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision postponing the commencement of the presentation of evidence by the legal representatives of victims, ICC-01/05-01/08-2180 (ICC TC III, Mar. 28, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Order on the submission of observations by the Registrar on the "Application of the Victims' Representative pursuant to Article 83 of the Regulations", ICC-01/09-01/11-405 (ICC AC, Mar. 27, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Order on the submission of observations by the Registrar on the "Notification regarding the Legal Representation of Participating Victims in these Appeals Proceedings", ICC-01/09-02/11-413 (ICC AC, Mar. 27, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order refusing a request for reconsideration, ICC-01/04-01/06-2846 (ICC TC I, Mar. 27, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, First decision on the Prosecutor's requests for redactions and other protective measures, ICC-02/11-01/11-74-Red (ICC PTC I, Mar. 27, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Order in relation to Reclassification of Documents, ICC-01/11-01/11-86 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 26, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Order on the filing of responses to the "Notification and Request by the Government of Libya in response to 'Decision on Libya's Submissions Regarding the Arrest of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi'", ICC-01/11-01/11-85 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 26, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the procedure for the submission as evidence of material used during questioning of witnesses, ICC-01/05-01/08-2177 (ICC TC III, Mar. 26, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Decision replacing a judge in the Appeals Chamber (including Annexes), ICC-01/04-01/10-503 (ICC Pres., Mar. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Decision on the "Requ�te urgente aux fins de reconsid�ration de la d�cision n�ICC-01/04-01/10 OA4, de protestation et de r�serve", ICC-01/04-01/10-505 (ICC AC, Mar. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Order on the filing of responses to the "Requ�te tendant � obtenir autorisation de participer � la proc�dure d'appel contre la 'D�cision relative � la confirmation des charges' (ICC-01/04-01/10-465-Conf-tFRA)", ICC-01/04-01/10-504 (ICC AC, Mar. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order setting an agenda for the status conference on issues related to the presentation of evidence by the legal representatives of victims and the defence, ICC-01/05-01/08-2172 (ICC TC III, Mar. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Prosecution's request for leave to reply to 'Defence Response to the Prosecution's Application for Admission of Evidence from the Bar Table'", ICC-01/05-01/08-2173 (ICC TC III, Mar. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order convening a status conference on issues related to the presentation of evidence by the legal representatives of victims and the defence, ICC-01/05-01/08-2170 (ICC TC III, Mar. 21, 2012)

Situation in the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire, Decision Designating a Single Judge, ICC-02/11-01/12-5 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 16, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision Designating a Single Judge, ICC-02/11-02/11-9 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 16, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision Notifying the Election of the Presiding Judge, ICC-02/11-02/11-8 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 16, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Order convening an ex parte hearing on protective measures, ICC-02/11-01/11-65 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 16, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision notifying the election of the Presiding Judge, ICC-02/11-01/11-60 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 16, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision notifying the election of the Presiding Judge, ICC-01/11-01/11-77 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 16, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision replacing a judge in Trial Chamber IV, ICC-02/05-03/09-308 (ICC Pres., Mar. 16, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the constitution of Pre-Trial Chambers and on the assignment of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Darfur, Sudan and C�te d'lvoire situations, ICC-01/04-02/06-32 (ICC Pres., Mar. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Decision replacing a judge in the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/10-500 (ICC Pres., Mar. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Decision on the constitution of Pre-Trial Chambers and on the assignment of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Darfur, Sudan and C�te d'lvoire situations, ICC-01/04-01/10-501 (ICC Pres., Mar. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Hussein, Decision on the constitution of Pre-Trial Chambers and on the assignment of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Darfur, Sudan and C�te d'lvoire situations, ICC-02/05-01/12-9 (ICC Pres., Mar. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Harun, Decision on the constitution of Pre-Trial Chambers and on the assignment of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Darfur, Sudan and C�te d'lvoire situations, ICC-02/05-01/07-65 (ICC Pres., Mar. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the Constitution of Pre-Trial Chambers and on the Assignment of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Darfur, Sudan and Cote D'Ivoire Situations, ICC-02/11-02/11-7 (ICC Pres., Mar. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the constitution of Pre-Trial Chambers and on the assignment of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Darfur, Sudan and C�te d'lvoire situations, ICC-02/11-01/11-59 (ICC Pres., Mar. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the constitution of Pre-Trial Chambers and on the assignment of the Democratic Republic ofthe Congo, Darfur, Sudan and C�te d'lvoire situations, ICC-01/11-01/11-76 (ICC Pres., Mar. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Decision on the constitution of Pre-Trial Chambers and on the assignment of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Darfur, Sudan and C�te d'lvoire situations, ICC-02/05-01/09-143 (ICC Pres., Mar. 15, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Summary of the "Judgment pursuant to Article 74 of the Statute", ICC-01/04-01/06-2843 (ICC TC I, Mar. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Scheduling order concerning timetable for sentencing and reparations, ICC-01/04-01/06-2844 (ICC TC I, Mar. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Judgment pursuant to Article 74 of the Statute (including Annexes, Separate Opinions & Dissenting Opinions), ICC-01/04-01/06-2842 (ICC TC I, Mar. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the OPCV's "Second Request to appear before the Chamber pursuant to Regulation 81(4)(b) of the Regulations of the Court on issues related to the victims' application process", ICC-02/11-01/11-57 (ICC PTC III, Mar. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the Defences' Applications for Leave to Appeal the Decision on the Confirmation of Charges Pursunat to Article 61(7) ( a) and (b) of the Rome Statute, ICC-01/09-01/11-399 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the "Urgent Request by the Victims' Representative for an order from the Chamber requiring the Registrar to provide appropriate resources for the current mission in Kenya", ICC-01/09-01/11-398 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Second Decision with Respect to the Question of Invalidating the Appointment of Counsel to the Defence, ICC-01/09-02/11-405 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the Defence Applications for Leave to Appeal the Decision on the Confirmation of Charges, ICC-01/09-02/11-406 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Decision on Mr Mbarushimana's request for time extension, ICC-01/04-01/10-497 (ICC AC, Mar. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order reclassifying documents related to the "Decision on the 'Demande urgente en vertu de la R�gle 21-3 du R�glement de proc�dure et de preuves' and on the 'Urgent Request for the Appointment of a Duty Counsel' f�led by Thomas Lubanga Dyilo before the Presidency on 7 May 2007 and 10 May 2007, respectively", ICC-01/04-01/06-2840 (ICC Pres., Mar. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Order reclassifying documents related to the "Decision concerning the Request of Mr Germain Katanga of 14 November 2008 for re-composition of the bench of Trial Chamber II", ICC-01/04-01/07-3257 (ICC Pres., Mar. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision Regarding Medical Care for Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, ICC-01/11-01/11-75 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the admissibility of the "Appeal Against Decision on Application under Rule 103" of Ms Mishana Hosseinioun of 7 February 2012, ICC-01/11-01/11-74 (ICC AC, Mar. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order reclassifying documents related to the "Decision concerning the Applications for judicial review of Mr Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo of 10 and 11 November 2008", ICC-01/05-01/08-2161 (ICC Pres., Mar. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on 471 applications by victims to participate in the proceedings, ICC-01/05-01/08-2162 (ICC TC III, Mar. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision on the "Defence Application to File Supplementary Material", ICC-02/05-03/09-307 (ICC TC IV, Mar. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Application by Redress Trust for Leave to Submit Observations to Pre-Trial Chamber III of the International Criminal Court Pursuant to Rule 103 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence", ICC-02/11-01/11-50 (ICC PTC III, Mar. 08, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Decision on the "Prosecution's Request for an Extension of the Page Limit for its Document in Support of Appeal against the 'Decision on the confirmation of charges' (ICC-01/04-01/10-465-Red)", ICC-01/04-01/10-495 (ICC AC, Mar. 07, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on Libya's Submissions Regarding the Arrest of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, ICC-01/11-01/11-72 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 07, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Order on the filing of responses to the "Requ�te pour la traduction de tout document essentiel a [sic] l'appel du Procureur contre la d�cision de la Chambre Pr�liminaire ICC-01/04-01/10-465" and to the "Prosecution's Request for an Extension of the Page Limit for its Document in Support of Appeal against the 'Decision on the confirmation of charges' (ICC-01/04-01-10-465-Red)", ICC-01/04-01/10-491 (ICC AC, Mar. 06, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Protocols concerning the disclosure of the identity of witnesses of the other party and the handling of confidential information in the course of investigations (including Annexes), ICC-02/11-01/11-49 (ICC PTC III, Mar. 06, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the implementation of Decision on the supplemented applications by the legal representatives of victims to present evidence and the views and concerns of victims, ICC-01/05-01/08-2158 (ICC TC III, Mar. 06, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision on the "Requ�te aux fins d'�tre autoris�s � soumettre un Addendum", ICC-02/05-03/09-304 (ICC TC IV, Mar. 06, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the appeal of the Prosecutor against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I entitled "Decision on the confirmation of charges", ICC-01/04-01/10-490 (ICC AC, Mar. 05, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Judgment on the appeal of Mr Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo against the decision of Trial Chamber III of 6 January 2012 entitled "Decision on the defence's 28 December 2011 'Requ�te de Mise en libert� provisoire de M. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo'", ICC-01/05-01/08-2151-Red (ICC AC, Mar. 05, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the reclassification of transcripts, ICC-01/05-01/08-2153 (ICC TC III, Mar. 05, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision on the arrangements for the filing of observations by the parties and participants on the judgment handed down in Lubanga, ICC-01/04-01/07-3255 (ICC TC II, Mar. 02, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision inviting observations from the parties in application process relation to the victims, ICC-02/11-01/11-47 (ICC PTC III, Mar. 02, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Prosecutor's Application Pursuant to Article 58 for a Warrant of Arrest against Simone Gbagbo, ICC-02/11-01/12-2-Red (ICC PTC III, Mar. 02, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Decision on the "Prosecution's Application for Leave to Appeal the 'Decision on the confirmation of charges'", ICC-01/04-01/10-487 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 01, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision on the Urgent Request for Convening a Status Conference on the Detention of Witnesses DRC-D02-P-0236, DRC-D02-P-0228, and DRC-D02-P-0350, ICC-01/04-01/07-3254 (ICC TC II, Mar. 01, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Hussein, Warrant of Arrest for Abdel Raheem Muhammad Hussein, ICC-02/05-01/12-2 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 01, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Hussein, Public redacted version of "Decision on the Prosecutor's application under article 58 relating to Abdel Raheem Muhammad Hussein", ICC-02/05-01/12-1-Red (ICC PTC I, Mar. 01, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the requests of Mr Ruto and Mr Sang for suspensive effect, ICC-01/09-01/11-391 (ICC AC, Feb. 29, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the request of Mr Kenyatta and Mr Muthaura for suspensive effect, ICC-01/09-02/11-401 (ICC AC, Feb. 29, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order scheduling the delivery of the Decision pursuant to Article 74 of the Rome Statute, ICC-01/04-01/06-2839 (ICC TC I, Feb. 29, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Warrant of Arrest for Simone Gbagbo, ICC-02/11-01/12-1 (ICC PTC III, Feb. 29, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Scheduling Order for the judgment on the appeal of Mr Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo against the decision of Trial Chamber III of 6 January 2012 entitled "Decision on the defence's 28 December 2011 'Requ�te de Mise en libert� provisoire de M. Jean Pierre Bemba Gombo'", ICC-01/05-01/08-2148 (ICC AC, Feb. 29, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the scheduling of Witness 36's testimony, ICC-01/05-01/08-2146 (ICC TC III, Feb. 27, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on defence disclosure and related issues, ICC-01/05-01/08-2141 (ICC TC III, Feb. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order postponing a status conference and on issues related to the presentation of evidence by the defence, ICC-01/05-01/08-2145 (ICC TC III, Feb. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Directions of the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/11-01/11-64 (ICC AC, Feb. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Order on the request to file an amicus curiae brief on the defence request for a temporary stay of proceedings and the prosecution's related request, ICC-02/05-03/09-302 (ICC TC IV, Feb. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the supplemented applications by the legal representatives of victims to present evidence and the views and concerns of victims (including Partly Dissenting Opinion of Judge Sylvia Steiner February 23, 2012, ICC-01/05-01/08-2140), ICC-01/05-01/08-2138 (ICC TC III, Feb. 22, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the "Observations on the 'Directions on the submission of observations pursuant to article 19 (3) of the Rome Statute and rule 59 (3) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence'", ICC-01/09-01/11-390 (ICC AC, Feb. 20, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the "Observations on the 'Directions on the submission of observations pursuant to article 19 (3) of the Rome Statute and rule 59 (3) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence"', ICC-01/09-02/11-400 (ICC AC, Feb. 20, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on OPCV's "Request to appear before the Chamber pursuant to Regulation 81(4)(b) of the Regulations of the Court on the specific issue of victims' application process", ICC-02/11-01/11-43 (ICC PTC III, Feb. 20, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision on the requests of the parties and participants for an extension of the page limit for their written closing submissions, ICC-01/04-01/07-3249 (ICC TC II, Feb. 17, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Judgment on the appeal of the Prosecutor against the decision of Trial Chamber IV of 12 September 2011 entitled "Reasons for the Order on translation of witness statements (ICC-02/05-03/09-199) and additional instructions on translation", ICC-02/05-03/09-295 (ICC AC, Feb. 17, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Redacted Order on the defence Application for Leave to Reply to the "Prosecution's Response to the 'Defence Request for a Temporary Stay of Proceedings' and to the 'Defence Request for an Oral Hearing"', ICC-02/05-03/09-294-Red (ICC TC IV, Feb. 16, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision amending the arrangements for the filing of the written submissions, ICC-01/04-01/07-3238 (ICC TC II, Feb. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the 'Application of Mishana Hosseinioun for Leave to Appeal Against Decision on Application under Rule 103', ICC-01/11-01/11-60 (ICC PTC I, Feb. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public Redacted Version of the Partly Dissenting Opinion of Judge Kuniko Ozaki on the First decision on the prosecution and defence requests for the admission of evidence of 15 December 2011, ICC-01/05-01/08-2015-Red (ICC TC III, Feb. 14, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the lifting of redactions in prosecution filings, ICC-01/05-01/08-2127 (ICC TC III, Feb. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Scheduling Order for the Judgment on the appeal of the Prosecutor against the decision of Trial Chamber IV of 12 September 2011 entitled "Reasons for the Order on translation of witness statements (ICC-02/05-03/09-199) and additional instructions on translation", ICC-02/05-03/09-293 (ICC AC, Feb. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version of the First decision on the prosecution and defence requests for the admission of evidence, dated 15 December 2011, ICC-01/05-01/08-2012-Red (ICC TC III, Feb. 09, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the appeal of Ms Mishana Hosseinioun against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I entitled "Decision on the Applications of Mishana Hosseinioun and Aisha Gaddafi to submit Amicus Curiae observations to the Chamber", ICC-01/11-01/11-55 (ICC AC, Feb. 08, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on issues related to the victims' application process, ICC-02/11-01/11-33 (ICC PTC III, Feb. 06, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the Registry-OPCD Visit to Libya, ICC-01/11-01/11-52 (ICC PTC I, Feb. 03, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted decision on the "Prosecution request to hear Witness CAR-OTPPPPP-0036's testimony via video-link", ICC-01/05-01/08-2101-Red2 (ICC TC III, Feb. 03, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Directions on the submission of observations pursuant to article 19 (3) of the Rome Statute and rule 59 (3) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, ICC-01/09-01/11-383 (ICC AC, Feb. 02, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Order on the filing of a response to requests for suspensive effect, ICC-01/09-01/11-382 (ICC AC, Feb. 02, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Order on the filing of a response to request for suspensive effect, ICC-01/09-02/11-393 (ICC AC, Feb. 02, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Directions on the submission of observations pursuant to article 19 (3) of the Rome Statute and rule 59 (3) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, ICC-01/09-02/11-394 (ICC AC, Feb. 02, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Order on the proc�s-verbal of the judicial site visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, ICC-01/04-01/07-3233 (ICC TC II, Feb. 02, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the Applications of Mishana Hosseinioun and Aisha Gaddafi to submit Amicus Curiaeobservations to the Chamber, ICC-01/11-01/11-49 (ICC PTC I, Feb. 02, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the "Prosecution's Application to Submit a Consolidated Response to Ruto's 'Defence Application for Leave to Appeal the Decision on the Confirmation of Charges' and Sang's 'Defence Application for Leave to Appeal the Decision on the Confirmation of Charges'", ICC-01/09-01/11-381 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 01, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the "Prosecution's Application to Submit a Consolidated Response to Kenyatta's 'Defence Application for Leave to Appeal the 'Decision on the Confirmation of Charges' and Muthaura's 'Defence Application for Leave to Appeal the 'Decision on the Confirmation of Charges Pursuant to Article 61(7)(a) and (b) of the Rome Statute", ICC-01/09-02/11-391 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 01, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Application of Legal Representative of Victims Mr Zarambaud Assingambi for leave to participate in the appeals proceedings following the Defence appeal of 9 January 2012 and addendum of 10 January 2012'', ICC-01/05-01/08-2098 (ICC AC, Feb. 01, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Third order regarding the applications of the legal representatives of victims to present evidence and the views and concerns of victims, ICC-01/05-01/08-2091 (ICC TC III, Feb. 01, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the appeals of Mr William Samoei Ruto and Mr Joshua Arap Sang, under article 82 (1) (a) of the Statute, against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II entitled "Decision on the Confirmation of Charges Pursuant to Article 61(7)(a) and (b) of the Rome Statute", ICC-01/09-01/11-378 (ICC AC, Jan. 31, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the appeal of Mr Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and Mr Francis Kirimi Muthaura, under article 82 (1) (a) of the Statute, against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II entitled "Decision on the Confirmation of Charges Pursuant to Article 61(7)(a) and (b) of the Rome Statute", ICC-01/09-02/11-386 (ICC AC, Jan. 31, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order on the Reclassification of Documents, ICC-01/04-01/06-2837 (ICC AC, Jan. 27, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order on the applications by victims to participate and for reparations, ICC-01/04-01/06-2838 (ICC TC I, Jan. 27, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on court sitting hours for the testimony of Witness 45, ICC-01/05-01/08-2081 (ICC TC III, Jan. 27, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Mbarushimana, Reasons for "Decision on the appeal of the Prosecutor of 19 December 2011 against the 'Decision on the confirmation of the charges' and, in the alternative, against the 'Decision on the Prosecution's Request for stay of order to release Callixte Mbarushimana' and on the victims' request for participation" of 20 December 2011, ICC-01/04-01/10-483 (ICC AC, Jan. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision establishing a disclosure system and a calendar for disclosure (including Annexes), ICC-02/11-01/11-30 (ICC PTC III, Jan. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Order Requesting Observations Regarding the "Report of the Registrar on Libya's observations regarding the arrest of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi", ICC-01/11-01/11-45 (ICC PTC I, Jan. 24, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the Confirmation of Charges Pursuant to Article 61(7)(a) and (b) of the Rome Statute, ICC-01/09-01/11-373 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Muthaura, Decision on the Confirmation of Charges Pursuant to Article 61(7)(a) and (b) of the Rome Statute, ICC-01/09-02/11-382-Red (ICC PTC II, Jan. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the filing of a response by Mr Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo and the Prosecutor to "Demande du Repr�sentant l�gal de victimes, Ma�tre Zarambaud Assingambi � participer a la proc�dure d'appel suite � l'acte d'appel de la D�fense du 9 janvier 2012 et � l'addendum du 10 janvier 2012", ICC-01/05-01/08-2059 (ICC AC, Jan. 23, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public Redacted Version of the 6 January 2012 Decision on the defence's 28 December 2011 ''Requ�te de Mise en libert� provisoire de M. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo", ICC-01/05-01/08-2034-Red (ICC TC III, Jan. 19, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the reclassification of documents, ICC-01/05-01/08-2050 (ICC TC III, Jan. 19, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Order to the Prosecutor regarding the alleged false testimony of witness P-159, ICC-01/04-01/07-3223 (ICC TC II, Jan. 13, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the request of Libya for extension of time limit to submit observations regarding the arrest of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, ICC-01/11-01/11-42 (ICC PTC I, Jan. 10, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the appeal of Mr Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo against the decision of Trial Chamber III entitled "Decision on the defence's 28 December 2011 'Requ�te de Mise en libert� provisoire de M. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo'", ICC-01/05-01/08-2040 (ICC AC, Jan. 10, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the Prosecutor's Application Pursuant to Article 58 for a Warrant of Arrest against Charles Ble Goude, ICC-02/11-02/11-3 (ICC PTC III, Jan. 06, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the classification of documents, ICC-01/05-01/08-2032 (ICC TC III, Jan. 05, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order regarding the reclassification of documents, ICC-01/05-01/08-2033 (ICC TC III, Jan. 05, 2012)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version of the 19 December 2011 Decision on the �Requ�te de Mise en libert� provisoire de M. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo�, ICC-01/05-01/08-2022-Red (ICC TC III, Jan. 03, 2012)


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