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Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the extension of the time limit for the filing of the document in support of the appeal, ICC-01/05-01/08-3227 (ICC AC, Dec. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the appeal of Mr. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo against the decision of Trial Chamber III entitled "Decision on 'Defence Urgent Motion for Provisional Release", ICC-01/05-01/08-3226 (ICC AC, Dec. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision on Mr. Banda's request for extension of time for the filing of a document in support of the appeal, ICC-02/05-03/09-624 (ICC AC, Dec. 24, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the appeal of Mr. Abdallah Banda Abakaer Nourain against the decision of Trial Chamber IV entitled "Warrant of arrest for Abdallah Banda Abakaer Nourain", ICC-02/05-03/09-623 (ICC AC, Dec. 24, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on C�te d'lvoire's request for time extension, ICC-02/11-01/12-53 (ICC AC, Dec. 23, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Defense Urgent Motion for Provisional Release", ICC-01/05-01/08-3221 (ICC TC III, Dec. 23, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision replacing a judge in the Appeals Chamber, ICC-02/05-03/09-621 (ICC Pres., Dec. 23, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Urgent - Corrigendum to the "Decision referring the case of The Prosecutor v. Charles Bl� Goud� to Trial Chamber I", ICC-02/11-02/11-193,20 December 2014 (registered on 22 December 2014), ICC-02/11-02/11-193-Corr (ICC Pres., Dec. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Corrigendum to Decision on defense application for leave to appeal the decision on Warrant of arrent for Abdallah Banda Abakaer Nourain and, in the alternative, request for reconsideration, ICC-02/05-03/09-619-Red-Corr (ICC TC IV, Dec. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the Prosecution and Ruto Defence Requests for Materials Related to P-0800 to be Admitted into Evidence and Assigned evidence (EVD and MFi) Numbers, ICC-01/09-01/11-1761-Red (ICC TC V(a), Dec. 18, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Order setting deadlines for the filing of submissions on outstanding protocols, ICC-01/04-02/06-416 (ICC TC VI, Dec. 18, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Order on the filing of responses to Cote d'Ivoire's requests for suspensive effect and time extension, ICC-02/11-01/12-51 (ICC AC, Dec. 18, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the appeal of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I entitled "Decision on Cote d'lvoire's challenge to the admissibility of the case against Simone Gbagbo", ICC-02/11-01/12-50 (ICC AC, Dec. 18, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Order setting deadlines for the filing of submissions on outstanding protocols, ICC-02/11-01/11-739 (ICC TC I, Dec. 18, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Public redacted version of Reasons for the Decision on Admission of Certain Evidence Connected to Witness [REDACTED], rendered on [REDACTED, ICC-01/09-01/11-1753-Red (ICC TC V(a), Dec. 16, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Protocol establishing a redaction regime with public annex A, ICC-02/11-01/11-737 (ICC TC I, Dec. 15, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on adoption of a Protocol on the Handling of Confidential Information During Investigations and Contact Between a Party or Participant and Witnesses of the Opposing Party or a Participant' with Public Annex A, ICC-01/04-02/06-412 (ICC TC VI, Dec. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the Protocol establishing a redaction regime, ICC-01/04-02/06-411 (ICC TC VI, Dec. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Second order on proposed redactions to certain documents founding the Prosecutor's third ground of appeal, ICC-01/04-02/12-240 (ICC AC, Dec. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, URGENT - Decision on the �Defence application for variation of the time limit for seeking leave to appeal the Decision on the Confirmation of Charges�, ICC-02/11-02/11-190 (ICC PTC I, Dec. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision No. 6 on the Conduct of Proceedings (Interim Redacted Transcripts), ICC-01/09-01/11-1752-Red (ICC TC V(a), Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Decision on request of Legal Representative of Victims for a public redacted version of the pre-trial brief, ICC-01/09-02/11-988 (ICC TC V(B), Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Decision on the reclassification of documents, ICC-01/09-02/11-987 (ICC TC V(B), Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Public redacted Decision on C�te d�Ivoire�s challenge to the admissibility of the case against Simone Gbagbo, ICC-02/11-01/12-47 (ICC AC, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the confirmation of charges against Charles Bl� Goud�, ICC-02/11-02/11-186 (ICC PTC I, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Second Redacted version of "Decision on 'Prosecution's Information to Trial Chamber III on issues involving witness CAR-OTP-PPPP-0169' (ICC-01/05-01/08-3138-Conf-Red) and 'Defence Urgent Submissions on the 5 August Letter (ICC-01/05-01/08-3139-Conf)" of 2 October 2014, ICC-01/05-01/08-3154-Red2 (ICC TC III, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version of "Decision on 'Defence Request for Disclosure and Investigative Assistance conceming Witnesses 169 and 178", ICC-01/05-01/08-3077-Red (ICC TC III, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version of "Decision on defence further request for reclassification of documents related to Witness 169 and Witness 178", ICC-01/05-01/08-3063-Red (ICC TC III, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version of "Decision on 'Defence Motion for the Admission of Documents related to Witness 169 and Witness 178", ICC-01/05-01/08-3015-Red (ICC TC III, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version of "Decision on 'Defence Request for Leave to Appeal the Decision on the Defence Motion conceming contact between Witnesses 169 and 178' and other witnesses", ICC-01/05-01/08-2980-Red (ICC TC III, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version of "Decision on 'Defence Motion conceming Information on contacts [of] Witnesses 169 and 178 with other witnesses", ICC-01/05-01/08-2924-Red (ICC TC III, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version of "Decision on the prosecution's 'Information on contacts of Witnesses 169 and 178 with other witnesses [REDACTED]' (ICC-01/05-01/08-2827-Conf-Exp)", ICC-01/05-01/08-2845-Red2 (ICC TC III, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version of "Decision on the reclassification of documents related to Witnesses 178 and 169", ICC-01/05-01/08-2165-Red (ICC TC III, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the reclassification of documents in the record of the case, ICC-01/05-01/13-781 (ICC PTC II, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "OPCV concerns in relation to the Defence's Submission No. ICC-01/05-01/08-3185-Conf", ICC-01/05-01/08-3213 (ICC TC III, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version of "Decision on 'Defence Request for Reconsideration of the Decision on 'Defence request for recall of Witness P-178'", ICC-01/05-01/08-3186-Conf", ICC-01/05-01/08-3204 (ICC TC III, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version of "Decision on 'Defence Request for Disclosure of Information conceming Intermediary 2' (ICC-01/05-01/08-3185-Conf)", ICC-01/05-01/08-3196-Red (ICC TC III, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version of "Decision on 'Defence request for recall of Witness P-178", ICC-01/05-01/08-3186-Red (ICC TC III, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version of "Decision on 'Defence Request for Leave to Reply to the Prosecution's Response to 'Defence Urgent Motion for disclosure of materials relating to P-169 and remedies for non-disclosure'", ICC-01/05-01/08-3165-Red (ICC TC III, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version of "Decision on the prosecution's application regarding a letter dated 6 August 2011", ICC-01/05-01/08-1727-Red (ICC TC III, Dec. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Second Public Redacted Version of Reasons for the Decision on the Replacement of Duty Counsel for a Witness, ICC-01/09-01/11-1749-Red2 (ICC TC V(a), Dec. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, URGENT Order requesting observations from the Government of Kenya on the Prosecution's leave to appeal request, ICC-01/09-02/11-986 (ICC TC V(B), Dec. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the non-compliance by Libya with requests for cooperation by the Court and referring the matter to the United Nations Security Council, ICC-01/11-01/11-577 (ICC PTC I, Dec. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Public Redacted Version Decision on the Prosecutor's second request for redactions for the purposes of disclosure, ICC-01/04-01/06-3118-Red2 (ICC AC, Dec. 08, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order shortening the time limit for observations on ''Urgent Motion for Provisional Release", ICC-01/05-01/08-3212 (ICC TC III, Dec. 08, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Decision on the "Prosecution's Notification of Travel in the Case of the Prosecutor v. Omar Al Bashir", ICC-02/05-01/09-218 (ICC PTC II, Dec. 08, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Decision on Prosecution's application for a finding of non-compliance under Article 87(7) of the Statute, ICC-01/09-02/11-982 (ICC TC V(B), Dec. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Decision on Prosecution's application for a further adjournment, ICC-01/09-02/11-981 (ICC TC V(B), Dec. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Judgment on the appeals of the Prosecutor and Mr. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo against the �Decision on Sentence pursuant to Article 76 of the Statute�, ICC-01/04-01/06-3122 (ICC AC, Dec. 01, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Public redacted Judgment on the appeal of Mr. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo against his conviction, ICC-01/04-01/06-3121-Red (ICC AC, Dec. 01, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version of �Decision on the �Requ�te de la D�fense de M. Aim� Kilolo Musamba visant une d�cision urgente relative � la mainlev�e sur le gel de ses avoirs�� dated 4 November 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-743-Conf-Exp, ICC-01/05-01/13-743-Red (ICC PTC II, Dec. 01, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on Mr. Kilolo�s �Notice of appeal against the decision of the Single Judge ICC‑01/05‑01/13-743‑Conf-Exp� dated 10 November 2014 and on the urgent request for the partial lifting of the seizure on Mr Kilolo�s assets dated 24 November 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-773 (ICC PTC II, Dec. 01, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Order setting the agenda for the 2 December 2014 status conference, ICC-01/04-02/06-406 (ICC TC VI, Nov. 27, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Scheduling order and agenda for the status conference on 4 December 2014, ICC-02/11-01/11-730 (ICC TC I, Nov. 27, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Decision on request of the Legal Representative of Victims for leave to reply, ICC-01/09-02/11-979 (ICC TC V(B), Nov. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on defence request for an extension of the page limit, ICC-01/05-01/08-3210 (ICC TC III, Nov. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Order on the �Request for an Extension of Time to Report on Applications for Reparations Pursuant to Regulation 35 of the Regulations of the Court�, ICC-01/04-01/07-3511 (ICC TC II, Nov. 24, 2015)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Public redacted version Decision granting extension of time, ICC-02/11-01/11-727-Red (ICC TC I, Nov. 24, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Confidential Decision on various filings related to two DVDs received from national authorities, ICC-01/05-01/13-765 (ICC PTC II, Nov. 24, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Order on the notification of confidential filings to the Legal Representative of victims, ICC-02/11-01/11-724 (ICC TC I, Nov. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on �Narcisse Arido�s request for an extension of the page limit for the Defence�s leave to appeal the �Decision pursuant to Article 61(7) (a) and (b) of the Rome Statute�� dated 17 November 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-763 (ICC PTC II, Nov. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Addendum to Prosecution's Request for Reclassification of 40 admitted Documents as Public and for Application of Redactions", ICC-01/05-01/08-3208 (ICC TC III, Nov. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Scheduling Order for delivery of judgment on the appeals of Mr. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo against the Conviction Decision and of Mr Thomas Lubanga Dyilo and the Prosecutor against the Sentencing Decision, ICC-01/04-01/06-3119 (ICC AC, Nov. 18, 0201)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Decision on the Registrar's request for an extension of the time limit, ICC-01/04-02/12-234 (ICC AC, Nov. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Order setting the commencement date for the trial and the time limit for disclosure, ICC-02/11-01/11-723 (ICC TC I, Nov. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on request for extension of time to make submissions on a redaction protocol, ICC-02/11-01/11-722 (ICC TC I, Nov. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the �Requ�te URGENTE de la D�fense de M. Fid�le Babala WANDU sollicitant la suspension ou la prorogation de d�lais pour soumettre sa demande �ventuelle d�autorisation d�interjeter appel contre la D�cision confirmant les charges� submitted by the Defence for Mr. Babala, ICC-01/05-01/13-756 (ICC PTC II, Nov. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Order for Submissions on a Redaction Protocol, ICC-02/11-01/11-719 (ICC TC I, Nov. 13, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Consolidated decision submitted by the parties in case ICC-01/05-01/13, ICC-01/05-01/13-753 (ICC PTC II, Nov. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the Defence challenge to the admissibility of the case against Charles Bl� Goud� for insufficient gravity, ICC-02/11-02/11-185 (ICC PTC I, Nov. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Public redacted version - Seventh decision on the review of Mr. Laurent Gbagbo's detention pursuant to Article 60(3) of the Statute, ICC-02/11-01/11-718-Red (ICC TC I, Nov. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision pursuant to Article 61(7)(a) and (b) of the Rome Statute, ICC-01/05-01/13-749 (ICC PTC II, Nov. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on filings requesting access to the transcript of the 26 March 2014 Status Conference (ICC-01/05-01/13-734-Anx1, ICC-01/05-01/13-736), ICC-01/05-01/13-746 (ICC PTC II, Nov. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Order on the submission of proposed redactions to certain documents founding the Prosecutor's third ground of appeal, ICC-01/04-02/12-232 (ICC AC, Nov. 06, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Decision on the application of the National Council of Elders Kenya to submit amicus curiae observations, ICC-01/09-02/11-971 (ICC TC V(B), Nov. 06, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the �R�qu�te de la D�fense de M. Fid�le BABALA WANDU en vue de solliciter la reclassification de ICC-01/05-01/13-694-Conf-Anx3 et ICC-01/05-01/13-696-Conf� submitted by Mr Babala on 27 October 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-741 (ICC PTC II, Nov. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on closing oral statements, ICC-01/05-01/08-3191 (ICC TC III, Nov. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Decision on the "Prosecution's Urgent Notification of Travel in the Case of the Prosecutor v. Omar Al Bashir", ICC-02/05-01/09-215 (ICC PTC II, Nov. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Order admitting into evidence materials related to Witness 637, ICC-01/09-01/11-1626 (ICC TC V(a), Oct. 31, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Fourth decision on Mr. Ntaganda's interim release, ICC-01/04-02/06-391 (ICC TC VI, Oct. 31, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Order instructing the Prosecution to prepare an updated document containing the charges, ICC-01/04-02/06-390 (ICC TC VI, Oct. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Order setting the agenda for the status conference of 4 November 2014, ICC-02/11-01/11-713 (ICC TC I, Oct. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Second Decision on the �Request of the Defence for Mr. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo in ICC-01/05-01/08 for reclassification of the Transcript of the 26 March 2014 Status Conference� dated 29 October 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-731 (ICC PTC II, Oct. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the �Request of the Defence for Mr. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo in ICC-01/05-01/08 for reclassification of the Transcript of the 26 March 2014 Status Conference� dated 29 October 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-730 (ICC PTC II, Oct. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Reasons for Review of Registrar's Decision on Defence resources, ICC-01/04-02/06-389 (ICC TC VI, Oct. 29, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Public redacted version Decision on the urgent request of the Defence for Mr. Gbagbo to attend his mother's funeral, ICC-02/11-01/11-711-Red (ICC TC I, Oct. 29, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the admission of two documents, ICC-01/05-01/08-3176 (ICC TC III, Oct. 24, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision granting the Defence request for extension of page limit, ICC-02/11-01/11-701 (ICC TC I, Oct. 23, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision designating a Single Judge pursuant to Rule 132 bis of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, ICC-02/11-01/11-700 (ICC TC I, Oct. 23, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Confidential Order reducing the time limit to file a response, ICC-02/11-01/11-698 (ICC TC I, Oct. 22, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, URGENT - Decision on the Prosecutor's urgent request for suspensive effect of the "Decision ordering the release of Aim� Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Fid�le Babala Wandu and Narcisse Arido" of 21 October 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-718 (ICC AC, Oct. 22, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Prosecutor�s �Urgent Motion for Interim Stay of the �Decision ordering the release of Aim� Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Fid�le Babala Wandu and Narcisse Arido��, ICC-01/05-01/13-711 (ICC PTC II, Oct. 22, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, URGENT Order on the filing of a response by Mr Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Mr. Aim� Kilolo Musamba, Fid�le Babala Wandu and Narcisse Arido to the Prosecutor's Urgent Request for Suspensive Effect of the "Decision ordering the release of Aim� Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Fid�le Babala Wandu and Narcisse Arido" of 21 October 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-709 (ICC AC, Oct. 22, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the appeal of the Prosecutor against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II entitled "Decision ordering the release of Aim� Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Fid�le Babala Wandu and Narcisse Arido'' of 21 October 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-708 (ICC AC, Oct. 22, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision ordering the release of Aim� Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo, Fid�le Babala Wandu and Narcisse Arido, ICC-01/05-01/13-703 (ICC PTC II, Oct. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the reclassification of documents, ICC-01/05-01/13-702 (ICC AC, Oct. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public Redacted Version Decision on the requests for the Disqualification of the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutor and the entire OTP staff, ICC-01/05-01/13-648-Red3 (ICC AC, Oct. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Urgent Public Decision on the Prosecutor's request for reclassification of documents, ICC-01/04-02/12-221 (ICC AC, Oct. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Urgent Public Order on the re-filing of a public redacted version of the Prosecutor's document in support of the appeal, ICC-01/04-02/12-218 (ICC AC, Oct. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Decision on the Prosecutor's request to establish parameters for Mr. Ngudjolo's personal address at the appeal hearing, ICC-01/04-02/12-217 (ICC AC, Oct. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision seeking the views of the Prosecutor for the purposes of the review of the detention of the suspects pursuant to rule 119(3) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, ICC-01/05-01/13-697 (ICC PTC II, Oct. 16, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Urgent Order on the filing of a public redacted version of Mr. Kabongo's Response to the Request for Disqualification and warning to Counsel for Mr Kabongo, Mr Jean Flamme, pursuant to rule 171 (1) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, ICC-01/05-01/13-693 (ICC AC, Oct. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Decision on the "Prosecution's Notification of Travel of Suspect Omar Al Bashir in the Case of the Prosecutor v. Omar Al Bashir", ICC-02/05-01/09-211 (ICC PTC II, Oct. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on Joint Defence Applications for Leave to Appeal the Second Oral Decision on Disclosure of Information on VWU Assistance, ICC-01/09-01/11-1604 (ICC TC V(a), Oct. 13, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Redacted version of '"Decision on 'Prosecution's Infonnation to Trial Chamber III on issues involving witness CAR-OTP-PPPP-0169' (ICC-01/05-01/08-3138-Conf-Red) and Defence Urgent Submissions on the 5 August Letter (ICC-01/05-01/08-3139-Conf)" of 2 October 2014, ICC-01/05-01/08-3154-Red (ICC TC III, Oct. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Judgment on the appeals of William Samoei Ruto and Mr Joshua Arap Sang against the decision of Trial Chamber V (A) of 17 April 2014 entitled "Decision on Prosecutor's Application for Witness Summonses and resulting Request for State Party Cooperation", ICC-01/09-01/11-1598 (ICC AC, Oct. 09, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Order Scheduling a Status Conference and Setting the Commencement Date for the Trial, ICC-01/04-02/06-382 (ICC TC VI, Oct. 09, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Order in relation to the conduct of the hearing before the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-02/12-210 (ICC AC, Oct. 08, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Decision and order in relation to the Prosecutor's request for reclassification and for lesser redacted versions of the Registry's monitoring reports, ICC-01/04-02/12-209 (ICC AC, Oct. 08, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Requ�te lugente aux fins de fixation d'une nouvelle date d'audience portant sur le r�examen des conditions de maintien en d�tention', ICC-02/11-01/11-693 (ICC TC I, Oct. 08, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Order scheduling a status conference and setting a provisional agenda, ICC-02/11-01/11-692 (ICC TC I, Oct. 08, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order to consult with the authorities of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the French Republic, ICC-01/05-01/13-688 (ICC AC, Oct. 08, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public Redacted Version of Decision on the modalities of the presentation of additional evidence pursuant to Articles 64(6)(b) and (d) and 69(3) of the Rome Statute, ICC-01/05-01/08-3157-Red (ICC TC III, Oct. 08, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Confidential Order to redact the transcript and audio visual broadcast of a public hearing, ICC-01/09-02/11-963 (ICC TC V(b), Oct. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Application of the Defence for Mr. Gbagbo of 23 September 2014 (ICC-02/11-01/11-685), ICC-02/11-01/11-690 (ICC Pres., Oct. 07, 2015)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Order scheduling a hearing pursuant to Rule 118(3) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, ICC-02/11-01/11-688 (ICC TC I, Oct. 07, 2015)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the reclassification of documents, ICC-01/05-01/13-687 (ICC AC, Oct. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Scheduling Order for the judgment on the appeals against the decision of Trial Chamber V(A) entitled "Decision on Prosecutor's Application for Witness Summonses and resulting Request for State Party Cooperation" of 17 April 2014 (ICC-01/09-01/1 l-1274-Corr2), ICC-01/09-01/11-1592 (ICC AC, Oct. 06, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Notice of Limited Reopening of the presentation on evidence and rescheduling of open statements, ICC-01/05-01/08-3155 (ICC TC III, Oct. 02, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Decision on the "Prosecution's Notification of Travel in the Case of the Prosecutor v. Omar Al Bashir", ICC-02/05-01/09-208 (ICC PTC II, Oct. 01, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Decision on Defence request for excusai from attendance at, or for adjournment of, the status conference scheduled for 8 October 2014, ICC-01/09-02/11-960 (ICC TC V(B), Sep. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Public Redacted Order on the Defence Application for Leave to Reply to "Prosecution response to the Defence application for leave to appeal the 11 September 2014 arrest warrant decision or for reconsideration of the same", ICC-02/05-03/09-612-Red (ICC TC IV, Sep. 29, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision requesting observations from States for the purposes of the review of the detention of the suspects pursuant to regulation 51 of the Regulations of the Court, ICC-01/05-01/13-683 (ICC PTC II, Sep. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Narcisse Arido's Request for Leave to Appeal the 'Decision on "Registry Transmission of a Submission received from the Defence for Mr. Narcisse Arido dated 18 August 2014''' (ICC-01/05-01/08-3134-Conf )", ICC-01/05-01/08-3152 (ICC TC III, Sep. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision notifying the election of the Presiding Judge, ICC-02/11-01/11-686 (ICC TC I, Sep. 25, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Second decision on OPCV requests in relation to the Defence disclosure and list of evidence, ICC-02/11-02/11-170 (ICC PTC I, Sep. 25, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the request by the Redress Trust and Avocats sans Fronti�res for leave to submit amicus curiae observations, ICC-01/04-02/06-377 (ICC TC VI, Sep. 24, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on OPCV requests in relation to the Defence disclosure and list of evidence, ICC-02/11-02/11-167 (ICC PTC I, Sep. 24, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the schedule for the confirmation of charges hearing, ICC-02/11-02/11-165 (ICC PTC I, Sep. 22, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the �Defence request to add recently disclosed material to its list of evidence�, ICC-02/11-02/11-164 (ICC PTC I, Sep. 22, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Order vacating trial date of 7 October 2014, convening two status conferences, and addressing other procedural matters, ICC-01/09-02/11-954 (ICC TC V(B), Sep. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Decision on three requests for leave to reply, ICC-01/09-02/11-953 (ICC TC V(B), Sep. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Scheduling order for a hearing before the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-02/12-199 (ICC AC, Sep. 18, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order Convening a Status Conference, ICC-01/05-01/08-3147 (ICC TC III, Sep. 18, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision re-constituting Trial Chamber I and referring to it the case of The Prosecutor v. Laurent Gbagbo, ICC-02/11-01/11-682 (ICC Pres., Sep. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Defence request for leave to appeal the �Decision on the Confirmation of Charges against Laurent Gbagbo�, ICC-02/11-01/11-680 (ICC PTC I, Sep. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the appeal of Mr. Al-Senussi against the Pre-Trial Chamber's "Decision on Libya's postponement of the execution of the request for arrest and surrender of Abdullah Al-Senussi pursuant to article 95 of the Rome Statute and related Defence request to refer Libya to the UN Security Council", ICC-01/11-01/11-571 (ICC AC, Sep. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, URGENT Decision on the �Defence request to amend the document containing the charges for violation of the rule of speciality�, ICC-02/11-02/11-151 (ICC PTC I, Sep. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the �Defence request to amend the document containing the charges to exclude prejudicial facts�, ICC-02/11-02/11-150 (ICC PTC I, Sep. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Warrant of arrest for Abdallah Banda Abakaer Nourain, ICC-02/05-03/09-606 (ICC TC IV, Sep. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Order Setting the Agenda for the 11 September 2014 Status Conference, ICC-01/04-02/06-366 (ICC TC VI, Sep. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Requ�te de la Repr�sentante l�gale des victimes relative � l'augmentation du nombre de pages autoris� afin de r�pondre aux 'Closing Brief of Mr. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo' (ICC-01/05-01/08-3121-Conf)", ICC-01/05-01/08-3136 (ICC TC III, Sep. 08, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Prosecution Request for a corrected version of the Defence Closing Brief and extension of time to file a response", ICC-01/05-01/08-3131 (ICC TC III, Sep. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the �Defence request to amend the document containing the charges for lack of specificity�, ICC-02/11-02/11-143 (ICC PTC I, Sep. 01, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the �Defence request for a variation of a time limit�, ICC-02/11-02/11-139 (ICC PTC I, Sep. 01, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the Prosecutor�s request to add an item to her list of evidence, ICC-02/11-02/11-138 (ICC PTC I, Aug. 29, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Order requiring a notice in relation to the provisional trial commencement date, ICC-01/09-02/11-939 (ICC TC V(B), Aug. 28, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on further submissions on issues related to the admissibility of the case against Simone Gbagbo, ICC-02/11-01/12-44 (ICC PTC I, Aug. 28, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on �Prosecution�s Request for Measures under Regulation 101(2) of the Regulations of the Court�, ICC-02/11-02/11-133 (ICC PTC I, Aug. 28, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Order instructing the Registry to report on applications for reparations, ICC-01/04-01/07-3508 (ICC TC II, Aug. 27, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the Prosecutor's Request for reclassification of documents, ICC-01/05-01/13-652 (ICC AC, Aug. 27, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Order revising dates for the status conference and for receipt of observations, ICC-01/04-02/06-358 (ICC TC VI, Aug. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on 'Transmission of a Submission from the Defence for Mr. Fid�le Babala Wandu dated 15 August 2014", ICC-01/05-01/08-3123 (ICC TC III, Aug. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Defence Request for Leave to Appeal the Decision on the Defence Request for Interim Relief, ICC-01/05-01/08-3122 (ICC TC III, Aug. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public Redacted Version of "Decision on the admission into evidence of items deferred in the Chamber's previous decisions, items related to the testimony of Witness CHM-01 and written statements of witnesses who provided testimony before the Chamber" of 17 March 2014 (ICC-01/05-01/08-3019-Conf), ICC-01/05-01/08-3019-Red (ICC TC III, Aug. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on Defence Request for Disclosure of Information Relating to the Mungiki, ICC-01/09-01/11-1465 (ICC TC V(a), Aug. 25, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the appeal of Mr. Aim� Kilolo Musamba against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II entitled "Decision on the first review of Aim� Kilolo Musamba's detention pursuant to article 60(3) of the Statute'", ICC-01/05-01/13-650 (ICC AC, Aug. 22, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the appeal of Mr. Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II entitled "Decision on the first review of Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo's detention pursuant to article 60(3) of the Statute", ICC-01/05-01/13-649 (ICC AC, Aug. 22, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on Public "Transmission of a Submission from the Defence for Mr. Fid�le Babala Wandu in case ICC-01/05-01/13", ICC-01/05-01/08-3118 (ICC TC III, Aug. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Order postponing and setting a new date for the status conference, ICC-01/04-02/06-354 (ICC TC VI, Aug. 15, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Urgent Decision on the '"Requ�te aux fins d'obtenir autorisation de retrait en qualit� de Conseil principal de la D�fense de M. Aim� Kilolo Musamba (Norme 78-1 d u R�glement de la Cour)", ICC-01/05-01/13-636 (ICC PTC II, Aug. 15, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the "Prosecution's Request for an Extension of the Page Limit for the Document Containing the Charges", ICC-02/11-02/11-120 (ICC PTC I, Aug. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Defence Request for Leave to Appeal 'Decision on Defence Motion on Privileged Communications'", ICC-01/05-01/08-3114 (ICC TC III, Aug. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Order on the Prosecution's Application for leave to reply to filing ICC-02/05-03/09-592-Conf, ICC-02/05-03/09-597 (ICC TC IV, Aug. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Defence Request for leave to appeal decision ICC-01/05-01 /08-3101", ICC-01/05-01/08-3113 (ICC TC III, Aug. 13, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision following the declaration of inadmissibility of the case against Abdullah Al-Senussi before the Court, ICC-01/11-01/11-567 (ICC PTC I, Aug. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the "Demande d'autorisation aux fins d'appel contre la d�cison de la Chambre du 11 juin 2014, du refus de participation au stade pr�liminairre", ICC-02/11-02/11-113 (ICC AC, Aug. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the first review of Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo�s detention pursuant to article 60(3) of the Statute, ICC-01/05-01/13-612 (ICC PTC II, Aug. 05, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the first review of Aim� Kilolo Musamba�s detention pursuant to article 60(3) of the Statute, ICC-01/05-01/13-611 (ICC PTC II, Aug. 05, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the �Prosecution request for variation of time limit for confirmation response� dated 4 August 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-610 (ICC PTC II, Aug. 05, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Second Decision on victims� participation in the pre-trial proceedings and related issues with confidential Annex, ICC-02/11-02/11-111 (ICC PTC I, Aug. 01, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the reclassification, redaction and transmission to Trial Chamber III of "M�moire de d�fense avec les annexes publiques A et B" submitted by the Defence for Mr. Mangenda on 30 July 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-604 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 31, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the appeal of Mr. Narcisse Arido against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II entitled "Decision on 'Narcisse Ar�do's request for interim release'", ICC-01/05-01/13-593 (ICC AC, Jul. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Decision on the Prosecution's revised cooperation request, ICC-01/09-02/11-931 (ICC TC V(B), Jul. 29, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, URGENT Decision on �Prosecution Request for Extension of Page Limit�, ICC-02/11-01/11-677 (ICC PTC I, Jul. 29, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the �Request seeking the Prosecution to provide to the Kilolo Defence specific information relating to its reimbursement of Prosecution witnesses� dated 27 June 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-591 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 25, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision on the victims' requests to participate in the appeal proceedings, ICC-01/04-01/07-3505 (ICC AC, Jul. 24, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Judgment on the appeal of Mr Abdullah Al-Senussi against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I of 11 October 2013 entitled ^^Decision on the admissibility of the case against Abdullah Al-Senussi'', ICC-01/11-01/11-565 (ICC AC, Jul. 24, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Notification of the decision on the application of the legal representative for victims for the disqualification of a Judge in case ICC-01/04-01/07 with Public Annex, ICC-01/04-01/07-3504 (ICC Pres., Jul. 22, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Scheduling Order for the judgment on the Defence's appeal against the "Decision on the admissibility of the case against Abdullah Al-Senussi", ICC-01/11-01/11-564 (ICC AC, Jul. 22, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Order Scheduling a Status Conference and Setting a Provisional Agenda, ICC-01/04-02/06-339 (ICC TC VI, Jul. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision Notifying the Election of the Presiding Judge, ICC-01/04-02/06-338 (ICC TC VI, Jul. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Urgent Decision constituting Trial Chamber VI and referring to it the case of The Prosecutor v. Bosco Ntaganda, ICC-01/04-02/06-337 (ICC Pres., Jul. 18, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Urgent - Decision on Defence request to extend page limit pursuant to regulation 37(2) of the Regulations of the Court, ICC-02/11-01/11-673 (ICC PTC I, Jul. 18, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on Defence request on the suspension of time limits during judicial recess, ICC-02/11-01/11-671 (ICC PTC I, Jul. 18, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Third Decision on Bosco Ntaganda's Interim Release, ICC-01/04-02/06-335 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted Decision on the Prosecutor's Eleventh and Twelfth Applications for Redactions, ICC-01/04-02/06-334-Red2 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the �Requ�te de Me Marc Desalliers afin d��tre autoris� � se retirer du dossier en qualit� de Conseil principal de M. Bosco Ntaganda�, ICC-01/04-02/06-333 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 16, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the Joint Defence Application for Admission of Documentary Evidence Related to the Testimony of Witness 536, ICC-01/09-01/11-1436 (ICC TC V(a), Jul. 15, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the appeal of Mr. Fid�le Babala Wandu against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II entitled "Decision on the first review of Fid�le Babala Wandu's detention pursuant to article 60(3) of the Statute", ICC-01/05-01/13-565 (ICC AC, Jul. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Public Redacted Decision as to the Further Steps for the Trial Proceedings, ICC-02/05-03/09-590-Red (ICC TC IV, Jul. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Sixth decision on the review of Laurent Gbagbo�s detention pursuant to article 60(3) of the Rome Statute, ICC-02/11-01/11-668 (ICC PTC I, Jul. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the �Demande d�autorisation d�interjeter appel de la d�cision de la Juge unique du 19 juin 2014 sur la � Prosecution�s request to disclose material in a related proceeding pursuant to Regulation 42(2) � (ICC-02/11-01/11-659)�, ICC-02/11-01/11-667 (ICC PTC I, Jul. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on matters related to Libya�s duties to cooperate with the Court, ICC-01/11-01/11-563 (ICC PTC I, Jul. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Public Redacted Decision on the �Prosecution�s Request for Variation of Time Limits Pursuant to Regulation 35 concerning the Confirmation of Charges�, ICC-02/11-02/11-108-Red (ICC PTC I, Jul. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Defence request pursuant to Regulation 35(2) of the Regulations of the Court" submitted b y the Defence for Mr. Bemba, ICC-01/05-01/13-562 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Defence objection to the form of the document containing the charges" submitted by the Defence for Mr Bemba on 2 July 2014 and on the "Requ�te urgente de la D�fense tendant � obtenir de la Chambre pr�liminaire II l'autorisation d'acc�s aux Aimexes confidentielles du document ICC-01/05-01/08-346-Conf dans l'affaire le Procureur c. Jean-Pierre Bemba Gotnho" submitted by the Defence for Mr Babala on 7 July 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-561 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Judgment on the appeal of Mr. Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber IT of 17 March 2014 entitled "Decision on the 'Requete de mise en Iiberte' submitted by the Defence for Jean-Jacques Mangenda", ICC-01/05-01/13-560 (ICC AC, Jul. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Judgment on the appeal of Mr. Fidele Babala Wandu against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II of 14 March 2014 entitled "Decision on the 'Requete urgente de la Defense sollicitant la mise en liberte provisoire de monsieur Fidele Babala Wandu'", ICC-01/05-01/13-559 (ICC AC, Jul. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Judgment on the appeal of Mr. Aime Kilolo Musamba against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II of 14 March 2014 entitled "Decision on the 'Demande de mise en liberte provisoire de Maitre Aime Kilolo Musamba'", ICC-01/05-01/13-558 (ICC AC, Jul. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in relation to the "Demande d'autorisation aux fins d'appel contre la decison de la Chambre du 11 juin 2014, du refus de participation au stade prellminairre", ICC-02/11-02/11-106 (ICC AC, Jul. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Scheduling Order on the appeal of Mr Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber H of 17 March 2014 entitled "Decision on the 'Requ�te de mise en libert�' submitted by the Defence for Jean-Jacques Mangenda", ICC-01/05-01/13-550 (ICC AC, Jul. 09, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Scheduling Order for the judgment on the appeal of Mr Fid�le Babala Wandu against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber H of 14 March 2014 entitled ''Decision on the 'Requ�te urgente de la D�fense sollicitant la mise en libert� provisoire de monsieur Fid�le Babala Wandu'", ICC-01/05-01/13-549 (ICC AC, Jul. 09, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Scheduling Order for the judgment on the appeal of Mr Aim� Kilolo Musamba against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber H of 14 March 2014 entitled "Decision on the 'Demande de mise en libert� provisoire de Ma�tre Aim� Kilolo Musamba''', ICC-01/05-01/13-548 (ICC AC, Jul. 09, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Confidential Decision on the implementation of the request to freeze assets, ICC-01/09-02/11-937 (ICC TC V(B), Jul. 08, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Order on the Classification of Items Admitted Pursuant to Decision on the Prosecution's Request for Admission of Documentary Evidence, ICC-01/09-01/11-1420 (ICC TC V(a), Jul. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Narcisse Arido's request for leave to reply to the 'Prosecution's Response to Arido's request for Interim Release'", ICC-01/05-01/13-543 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Prosecution's Urgent Further Request for Disclosure of Evidence in a Related Article 70 Proceeding", ICC-01/05-01/08-3074 (ICC TC III, Jul. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Decision on the "Prosecution's Urgent Notification of Travel in the Case of the Prosecutor v. Omar Al Bashir", ICC-02/05-01/09-204 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on Mr. William Samoei Ruto's and Mr. Joshua Arap Sang's applications for leave to make further submissions and on Mr. Joshua Arap Sang's corrigendum of 26 June 2014, ICC-01/09-01/11-1417 (ICC TC V(a), Jul. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the �Requ�te de la D�fense sollicitant l�autorisation d�interjeter appel de la D�cision sur la confirmation des charges dat�e du 9 juin 2014�, ICC-01/04-02/06-322 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the "Prosecution's Tenth Application for Redactions", ICC-01/04-02/06-321 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on Reclassification of Certain Documents, ICC-01/04-02/06-320 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Scheduling order and agenda for status conference on 9 July 2014, ICC-01/09-02/11-929 (ICC TC V(B), Jul. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision requesting the Kingdom of Belgium to provide its views for the purposes of the review of Aim� Kilolo Musamba�s and Jean-Jacques Mangenda�s detention pursuant to article 60(3) of the Statute, ICC-01/05-01/13-540 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the first review of Fid�le Babala Wandu�s detention pursuant to article 60(3) of the Statute, ICC-01/05-01/13-538 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kony, Decision on the constitution of Pre- Trial Chambers, ICC-02/04-01/15-184 (ICC Pres., Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted Third Decision on the Prosecutor's Requests for Redactions, ICC-01/04-02/06-165-Red3 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted Second Decision on the Prosecutor's Requests for Redactions with confidential annexes ex parte, Prosecutor and VWU, ICC-01/04-02/06-145-Red2 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Confidential Redacted Decision on the "Prosecution's Request pursuant to Regulation 35 to Vary the Time Limit for Two Items of Evidence", ICC-01/04-02/06-133-Red2 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted Decision on the Prosecutor's Requests for Additional Redactions to the Statements of Witness P-0290, CC-01/04-02/06-129-Red2 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted First Decision on the Prosecutor's Requests for Redactions and other related requests with confidential annexes ex parte. Prosecutor and VWU, ICC-01/04-02/06-117-Red3 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted Decision on the "Prosecution's Request for a Variation of Protective Measures for Three Witnesses", ICC-01/04-02/06-95-Red (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted Decision on the "Prosecution's Request to Redact Information in Supplementary Submissions related to the First Arrest Application and to Vary Protective Measures for Three Witnesses", ICC-01/04-02/06-78-Red3 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted Decision on the "Prosecution's Provision of Information further to Decision ICC-01/04-02/06-58-Conf-Exp and Request for Variation of Protective Measures", ICC-01/04-02/06-63-Red2 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Notification of Redacted Decisions Issued by Pre-Trial Chamber I (ICC-01/04-02/06-1-US-Exp and ICC-01/04-02/06-214-Conf-Exp) with Confidential Annexes, ICC-01/04-02/06-318 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the constitution of Pre-Trial Chambers, ICC-01/04-02/06-317 (ICC Pres., Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted Decision on the "Prosecution's Ninth Application for Redactions', ICC-01/04-02/06-303-Red2 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted Seventh Decision on the Prosecutor's Requests for Redactions, ICC-01/04-02/06-248-Red2 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted Decision on the Prosecutor's Request for a Variation of Protective Measures for Two Witnesses, ICC-01/04-02/06-244-Red (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted Decision Authorising the Defence to Amend the List of Evidence, ICC-01/04-02/06-242-Red (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted Sixth Decision on the Prosecutor's Requests for Redactions, ICC-01/04-02/06-233-Red2 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted Fifth Decision on the Prosecutor's Requests for Redactions, ICC-01/04-02/06-189-Red (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted Decision on the "Prosecution's request pursuant to Regulation 35 to vary the time limit for submission of an updated expert report on satellite image analysis", ICC-01/04-02/06-175-Red (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Redacted Decision on the Prosecutor's Request and Amended Request for Redactions to Applications for Warrants of Arrest, ICC-01/04-02/06-58-Red3 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Mudacumura, Decision on the constitution of Pre-Trial Chambers, ICC-01/04-01/12-7 (ICC Pres., Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kony, Decision on the constitution of Pre- Trial Chambers, ICC-02/04-01/05-414 (ICC Pres., Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision notifying the election of the Presiding Judge, ICC-01/04-01/07-3503 (ICC TC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Hussein, Decision on the constitution of Pre- Trial Chambers, ICC-02/05-01/12-26 (ICC Pres., Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Harun, Decision on the constitution of Pre- Trial Chambers, ICC-02/05-01/07-67 (ICC Pres., Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the constitution of Pre- Trial Chambers, ICC-02/11-01/12-43 (ICC Pres., Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the constitution of Pre- Trial Chambers, ICC-02/11-01/11-666 (ICC Pres., Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the constitution of Pre- Trial Chambers, ICC-01/11-01/11-561 (ICC Pres., Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the constitution of Pre- Trial Chambers, ICC-02/11-02/11-99 (ICC Pres., Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the constitution of Pre- Trial Chambers, ICC-01/05-01/13-532 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on Defence Urgent Request for Disclosure and Injunctive Relief concerning Privileged Defence Communications" and Addendum, ICC-01/05-01/08-3101 (ICC TC III, Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Barasa, Decision on the Constitution of Pre-Trial Chambers, ICC-01/09-01/13-24 (ICC Pres., Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Decision on the constitution of Pre-Trial Chambers, ICC-02/05-01/09-202 (ICC Pres., Jul. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, URGENT Public - Order on the level of confidentiality of the Prosecutor�s document containing the charges and the �Defence objection to the form of the document containing the charges� submitted by the Defence for Mr Bemba, ICC-01/05-01/13-531 (ICC PTC II, Jul. 02, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on defence requests for disclosure, ICC-01/05-01/08-3100 (ICC TC III, Jul. 02, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the �Defence request for the variation of a time limit pursuant to regulation 35(2) of the Regulations of the Court�, ICC-02/11-02/11-93 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 27, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Requ�te URGENTE de la D�fense sollicitant la reclassification publique de l'annexe confidentielle de la Transmission des observations de la R�publique d�mocratique du Congo sur la mise en libert� provisoire de M. Babala' (ICC-01/05-01/13-512)" submitted by Mr. Babala on 25 June 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-518 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Redacted Version of "Decision on 'Prosecution's Second Further Request for Disclosure of Evidence in a Related Article 70 Proceeding'", ICC-01/05-01/08-3098 (ICC TC III, Jun. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public Document with confidential ex parte Annex A- Prosecutor and Victims and Witnesses Unit only - Decision on the �Prosecution�s Application for Redactions pursuant to Rules 81(2) and 81(4) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence� dated 25 June 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-516 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 25, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on 'Prosecution's Application for Extension of Time Limit to Submit Proper Redactions of Admitted Evidence", ICC-01/05-01/08-3097 (ICC TC III, Jun. 25, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Corrigendum to ICC-01/04-01/07-3495, 20 June 2014 Second Notification concerning the application from the legal representative for victims for the disqualification of a Judge in case ICC-01/04-01/07 Public With Two Public Annexes, ICC-01/04-01/07-3495-Corr (ICC Pres., Jun. 23, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Notification of the decision on the defence requests for the disqualification of a judge in case ICC-01/05-01/13 with Public Annex, ICC-01/05-01/13-511 (ICC Pres., Jun. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Public redacted version of Decision on Prossecutor's Second Supplementary Request to Summon a Witness, ICC-01/09-01/11-1377-Red (ICC TC V(a), Jun. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Public redacted document - Reasons for the "Decision on the Prosecutor's request for redactions for the purposes of disclosure'', ICC-01/04-01/06-3115-Red (ICC AC, Jun. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on the Prosecutor's request for redactions for the purposes of disclosure, ICC-01/04-01/06-3100-Red (ICC AC, Jun. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the �Prosecution�s request to disclose material in a related proceeding pursuant to Regulation 42(2)�, ICC-02/11-01/11-659 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the reclassification of documents and decision on request for leave to reply, ICC-01/05-01/13-505 (ICC AC, Jun. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the classification of items admitted into evidence pursuant to Decision ICC-01/05-01/08-3019-Conf Public with confidential Annexes A, B, C, D and E, ICC-01/05-01/08-3095 (ICC TC III, Jun. 18, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on Mr. William Samoei Ruto's request for suspensive effect, ICC-01/09-01/11-1370 (ICC AC, Jun. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision on the request of the Defence in relation to investigations conducted pursuant to article 70 of the Statute, ICC-01/04-01/06-3114 (ICC AC, Jun. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Decision on the Application of Mr. Nyekorach-Matsanga under Rule 103, ICC-01/09-02/11-926 (ICC TC V(B), Jun. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on Second Defence Request for State Party Cooperation, ICC-02/11-02/11-85 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public Document with confidential ex parte Annex A- Prosecutor and Victims and Witnesses Unit only Decision on the "Prosecution's Application for Redactions pursuant to Rules 81(2) and 81(4) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence" dated 6 June 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-503 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Confidential Decision on the "Defence request for leave to appeal decisions ICC-01/05-01/13-362-Conf and ICC-01/05-01/13-366-Conf" submitted by the Defence for Mr. Bemba, ICC-01/05-01/13-502 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Confidential Decision on " Narcisse Arido's request for non-disclosure and/or redactions of data extracted from Mr Arido's phones (ICC-01/05-01/13-452-Conf)" dated 10 June 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-499 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Demande en reconsid�ration de la d�cision ICC-01/05-01/13-460 05-06-2014" submitted by the Defence for Mr Mangenda on 12 June 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-498 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on classification of items admitted into evidence pursuant to Decision ICC-01/05-01/08-3034-Conf, ICC-01/05-01/08-3093 (ICC TC III, Jun. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Prosecution's Request for Reclassification of 15 admitted Documents as Public and for Application of Redactions", ICC-01/05-01/08-3092 (ICC TC III, Jun. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Defence Request to Strike out the 'Prosecution's closing brief', dated 2 June 2014, as inadmissible", ICC-01/05-01/08-3091 (ICC TC III, Jun. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the �Requ�te urgente de la d�fense portant sur la d�termination de la date � partir de laquelle courent les d�lais fix�s pour qu�elle puisse d�poser une �ventuelle demande d�autorisation d�interjeter appel de la � Decision on the confirmation of charges against Laurent Gbagbo � (ICC-02/11-01/11-656-Conf) et/ou pour qu�elle puisse d�poser une �ventuelle r�ponse � une �ventuelle demande d�autorisation d�interjeter appel d�pos�e par le Procureur�, ICC-02/11-01/11-658 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 16, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order requesting observations for the purposes of the periodic review of the state of detention of Aim� Kilolo Musamba, Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo and Fid�le Babala Wandu pursuant to rule 118(2) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, ICC-01/05-01/13-495 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 13, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the confirmation of charges against Laurent Gbagbo, ICC-02/11-01/11-656-Red (ICC PTC I, Jun. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Requ�te urgente de la D�fense de Monsieur Fid�le Babala Wandu sollicitant de la Chambre pr�liminaire II d'ordonner au Conseil ind�pendant et/ou au Greffe de lui communiquer l'int�gralit� des conversations t�l�phoniques intervenues entre M. Babala et les autres suspects de l'affaire en cours " dated 4 June 2014 and related filings, ICC-01/05-01/13-492 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Corrigendum to "Decision requesting observations on the 'Narcisse Arido's request for interim release'", ICC-01/05-01/13-488-Corr (ICC PTC II, Jun. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Confidential Decision on the "Defence request for a provision of a copy of the CD and DVD mentioned in the Registrar's submission ICC-01/05-01/13-410-Conf" submitted by the Defence for Mr. Bemba, ICC-01/05-01/13-487 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on Defence Request for Notice, ICC-01/05-01/08-3089 (ICC TC III, Jun. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order for the reclassification of documents, ICC-01/04-01/06-3112 (ICC AC, Jun. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on victims� participation in the pre-trial proceedings and related issues, ICC-02/11-02/11-83 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on defence request for observations regarding the potential provisional release of Mr. Jean-Pierre Bemba, ICC-01/05-01/08-3087 (ICC TC III, Jun. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the Prosecutor's Request for Admission of Documentary Evidence, ICC-01/09-01/11-1353 (ICC TC V(a), Jun. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the Republic of Kenya's request for leave to make observations under rule 103 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, ICC-01/09-01/11-1350 (ICC AC, Jun. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on the �Request for Leave to Appeal the Pre-Trial Chamber�s Failure to Issue a Decision� filed by the Defence of Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, ICC-01/11-01/11-556 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision Pursuant to Article 61(7)(a) and (b) of the Rome Statute on the Charges of the Prosecutor Against Bosco Ntaganda with Public Annex, ICC-01/04-02/06-58-309 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 09, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Order on the filing of a response to request for suspensive effect, ICC-01/09-01/11-1348 (ICC TC V(a), Jun. 06, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the request of the Prosecutor for an extension of the time limit for her consolidated response to the documents in support of the appeals, ICC-01/09-01/11-1346 (ICC AC, Jun. 05, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision shortening the time limit for responses to the "Requ�te URGENTE de la D�fense de Monsieur Fid�le Babala sollicitant de la Chambre pr�liminaire II d'ordonner au Conseil ind�pendant et/ou au Greffe de lui communiquer l'int�gralit� des conversations t�l�phoniques intervenues entre Mr. Babala et les autres suspects de l'affaire en cours" dated 4 June 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-461 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 05, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Order for responses to the Republic of Kenya's request for leave to make observations under rule 103 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, ICC-01/09-01/11-1338 (ICC AC, Jun. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Decision on the "Application for an Order to the Registrar to allow the Three Detained Witnesses to be present at the Hearing before Dutch Courts'', ICC-01/04-02/12-184 (ICC AC, Jun. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Notification conceming the application from the legal representatives for victims for the disqualification of a Judge in case ICC-01/04-01/07 Public With Public Annex, ICC-01/04-01/07-3490 (ICC Pres., Jun. 05, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on a request for leave to submit amicus curiae observations, ICC-02/11-01/11-653 (ICC PTC I, Jun. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Demande tr�s urgente en reconsid�ration de la d�cision ICC-01/05-01/13-443 d u 28 mai 2014, en ordre subsidiaire demande de mise en libert�" submitted b y the Defence for Jean-Jacques Mangenda on 30 May 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-460 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the filing of submissions on the addendum to the request for the disqualification of the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutor and other members of the Office of the Prosecutor, ICC-01/05-01/13-458 (ICC AC, Jun. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Confidential Decision on the "Defence request to compel the attendance of the Independent Counsel for examination during the confirmation proceedings" submitted by the Defence for Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, ICC-01/05-01/13-457 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on requests of Mr. William Samoei Ruto and Mr. Joshua Arap Sang for extension of page limit for their documents in support of the appeal, ICC-01/09-01/11-1335 (ICC AC, Jun. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision No. 5 on the Conduct of Trial Proceedings (Principles and Procedure on 'No Case to Answer' Motions), ICC-01/09-01/11-1334 (ICC TC V(a), Jun. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Defence request for leave to appeal Decision ICC-01/05-01/13-408" submitted by the Defence for Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo in case ICC-01/05-01/08 on 26 May 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-456 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Confidential Decision on various filings and requests relating to four mobile phones seized from Narcisse Arido (ICC-01/05-01/13-304-Conf;ICC-01/05-01/13-324-Conf;ICC-01/05-01/13-369-Conf; ICC-01/05-01/13-377-Conf and ICC-01/05-01/13-401-Conf), ICC-01/05-01/13-452 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Defence Motion on Privileged Communications", ICC-01/05-01/08-3080 (ICC TC III, Jun. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Order for responses to the request of the Prosecutor for an extension of the time limit for her response to the documents in support of the appeal, ICC-01/09-01/11-1331 (ICC AC, Jun. 02, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Urgent Order for Response to requests of Mr. William Samoei Ruto and Mr. Joshua Arap Sang for extension of page limit for their documents in support of the appeal, ICC-01/09-01/11-1325 (ICC AC, May. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Urgent Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the Appeals of Mr. William Samoei Ruto and Mr. Joshua Arap Sang against the decision of Trial Chamber V(a) entitled "Decision on Prosecutor's Application for Witness Summonses and Resulting Request for State Party Cooperation", ICC-01/09-01/11-1324 (ICC AC, May. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Order for submissions regarding the "Application for an Order to the Registrar to allow the Three Detained Witnesses to be present at the Hearing before Dutch Courts", ICC-01/04-02/12-182 (ICC AC, May. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the requests submitted by the Defence for Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo on the forensic acquisition of DVDs and related filings, ICC-01/05-01/13-446 (ICC PTC II, May. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Defence Request for Notice, ICC-01/05-01/08-3076 (ICC TC III, May. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order for the reclassification of documents, ICC-01/04-01/06-3108 (ICC AC, May. 28, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision amending the calendar for the confirmation of the charges, ICC-01/05-01/13-443 (ICC PTC II, May. 28, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Defence urgent request for disclosure on non-privileged telephone communication" submitted by the Defence for Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo in case ICC-01/05-01/08, ICC-01/05-01/13-440 (ICC PTC II, May. 28, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Defence request for the exercise of judicial functions by the full Pre-Trial Chamber" submitted by the Defence for Aim� Kilolo Musamba on 7 May 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-434 (ICC PTC II, May. 28, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Defence Motion for Admission of Materials pursuant to Article 64(9) of the Rome Statute", ICC-01/05-01/08-3075 (ICC TC III, May. 28, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Third Notification concerning the defence requests for the disqualification of a judge m case ICC-01/05-01/13, ICC-01/05-01/13-433 (ICC Pres., May. 27, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public Redacted Version of Decision on the "Prosecution's Submission pursuant to the Order on the classification of items admitted into evidence' and other evidentiary issues (ICC-01/05-01/08-3072-Conf), ICC-01/05-01/08-3072-Red (ICC TC III, May. 27, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Confidential ex parte Prosecution, Ntaganda Defence, Lubanga Defence, VPRS and victim a/0078/06's Legal Representatives only Order on "Prosecution's request for transmission by VPRS of the application for reparations of victim a/0078/06", ICC-01/04-01/06-3106 (ICC AC, May. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the timetable and on the sentencing procedure, ICC-01/05-01/08-3071 (ICC TC III, May. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on defence applications for leave to appeal the "Decision on Prosecutor's Application for Witness Summonses and resulting Request for State Party Cooperation" and the request of the Govenunent of Kenya to submit amicus curiae observations, ICC-01/09-01/11-1313 (ICC TC V(a), May. 23, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Confidential Decision on the "Defence Motion on Prosecution contact with its witnesses", ICC-01/05-01/08-3070 (ICC TC III, May. 22, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Decision on the "Registry's urgent request for guidance" and further order in relation to the Appeals Chamber's "Order on the implementation of the cooperation agreement between the Court and the Democratic Republic of the Congo concluded pursuant article 93 (7) of the Statute", ICC-01/04-02/12-179 (ICC AC, May. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Public redacted Judgment on the appeal of Libya against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I of 31 May 2013 entitled 'Decision on the admissibility of the case against SaifAl-Islam Gaddafi", ICC-01/11-01/11-547-Red (ICC AC, May. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Second Notification conceming the defence requests for the disqualification of a judge in case ICC-01/05-01/13 with public annex, ICC-01/05-01/13-419 (ICC Pres., May. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Narcisse Arido's Request for a Disclosure Order to the Prosecution", ICC-01/05-01/13-418 (ICC PTC II, May. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Requ�te de Ia Repr�sentante l�gale des victimes relative � l'augmentation du nombre de pages autoris� et � la prorogation du d�lai de d�p�t des conclusions �crites", ICC-01/05-01/08-3069 (ICC TC III, May. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision No. 4 on the Conduct of Proceedings (Evidence and Solemn Declarations in Support of Applications), ICC-01/09-01/11-1312 (ICC TC V(a), May. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Prosecution's request in respect of access to the Defence to certain materials" and related filings, ICC-01/05-01/13-409 (ICC PTC II, May. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the filing in the record of items seized upon the searches of the person and cell of Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, ICC-01/05-01/13-408 (ICC PTC II, May. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Defence Request for the Automatic Temporary Suspension of the Single Judge Pending Decision on Defence Submission ICC-01/05-01/13-372", ICC-01/05-01/13-407 (ICC Pres., May. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public redacted version Decision on the request for disqualification of Independent Counsel filed by the Defence of Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, ICC-01/05-01/13-362-Red (ICC PTC II, May. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Scheduling Order for the judgment on the appeal of Libya against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I of 31 May 2013 entitled "Decision on the admissibility of the case against Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi", ICC-01/11-01/11-546 (ICC AC, May. 16, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the reclassification and filing into the record of material provided by the Dutch judicial authorities, ICC-01/05-01/13-403 (ICC PTC II, May. 16, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Requ�te de la D�fense tendant � solliciter de la Chambre pr�liminaire II le rapjpel au Procureur du respect du choix de la langue op�r� par Monsieur Fid�le Babala Wandu dans la pr�sente affaire", ICC-01/05-01/13-402 (ICC PTC II, May. 16, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Urgent Public Document - Further order on matters relevant to the hearing before the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/06-3097 (ICC AC, May. 15, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Urgent Order for a response, ICC-01/04-01/06-3094 (ICC AC, May. 15, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision requesting Libya to provide submissions on the status of the implementation of its outstanding duties to cooperate with the Court, ICC-01/11-01/11-545 (ICC PTC I, May. 15, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision Requesting Observations on the "Defence Request for the Exercise of Judicial Functions by the full Pre-Trial Chamber 11", ICC-01/05-01/13-398 (ICC PTC II, May. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Order to the VPRS to submit information in relation to the applications for victims� participation in the proceedings, ICC-02/11-02/11-72 (ICC PTC I, May. 13, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the application for judicial review of the �Decision of the Registrar on Legal Assistance Paid by the Court dated 17 April 2014 (CSS/2014/269)� notified on 2 may 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13 - Confidential and Ex Parte available only to the Registrar and to the Applicant -, ICC-RoC85-02/14-2 (ICC Pres., May. 12, 2104)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision the �Demande d�autorisation d�interjeter appel de la �Decision on Defence requests related to the continuation of the confirmation proceedings� du 14 f�vrier 2014 (ICC-02/11-01/11-619)�, ICC-02/11-01/11-649 (ICC PTC I, May. 09, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Notification concerning the defence requests for the disqualification of a judge in case ICC-0l/05-0l/13 with three public annexes, ICC-01/05-01/13-385 (ICC Pres., May. 09, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on Urgent Prosecution request for extension of time to respond to any applications for leave to appeal the 'Decision on Prosecutor's Application for Witness Summonses and Resulting Request for State Party Cooperation', ICC-01/09-01/11-1297 (ICC TC V(a), May. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order for the reclassif�cation of a document, ICC-01/04-01/06-3085 (ICC AC, May. 05, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Second decision on issues related to disclosure of evidence, ICC-02/11-02/11-67 (ICC PTC I, May. 05, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Urgent Decision on Government of the Republic of Kenya's Request for an extension of deadline to file leave to appeal and/or leave to submit amicus curiae observations on the Decision on the summon of witnesses, ICC-01/09-01/11-1287 (ICC TC V(a), May. 02, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Defence Request for Interim Relief, ICC-01/05-01/08-3059 (ICC TC III, May. 02, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public Redacted version of "Decision on the prosecution's request relating to Article 70 investigation" of 26 April 2013, ICC-01/05-01/08-2606-Red (ICC TC III, May. 02, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Defence Motion for Reclassificatin of documents", ICC-01/05-01/08-3057 (ICC TC III, May. 01, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Registry's observations on the prosecution's request relating to Article 70 investigations, ICC-01/05-01/08-2461 (ICC TC III, May. 01, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision requesting the Registry's observations on the prosecution's request relating to Article 70 investigation, ICC-01/05-01/08-2421 (ICC TC III, May. 01, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Scheduling order and decision in relation to the conduct of the hearing before the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/06-3083 (ICC AC, Apr. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Decision Regarding the Visit of Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir to the Federal Republic of Ethiopia, ICC-02/05-01/09-199 (ICC PTC II, Apr. 29, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Public Redacted - Decision on the "Prosecution's Request to Refer Potentially Privileged Materials to Independent Counsel", ICC-01/05-01/13-366-Red (ICC PTC II, Apr. 25, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the requests to amend the calendar for the confirmation of charges proceedings filed by the Defence of Narcisse Arido on 22 April 2014 and by the Defence of Jean-Jacques Mangenda on 23 April 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-364 (ICC PTC II, Apr. 25, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Requete aux fins d' audition de temoins de la Defense a l'audience de confirmation des charges" filed by the Defence of Aime Kilolo Musamba, ICC-01/05-01/13-363 (ICC PTC II, Apr. 25, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the ''Requ�te aux fins d'obtenir compl�ment d'information sur l'�criture ICC-01/05-01/13-292-Conf-AnxA-Red" dated 7 April 2014 submitted by the Defence for Aim� Kilolo Musamba, ICC-01/05-01/13-356 (ICC PTC II, Apr. 23, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on Prosecutor's Application for Witness Summonses and Resulting Request for State Party Cooperation, ICC-01/09-01/11-1274 (ICC TC V(a), Apr. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Order Suspending a Deadline, ICC-02/05-03/09-566 (ICC TC IV, Apr. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on the Defence Request for State Party Cooperation, ICC-02/11-02/11-63 (ICC PTC I, Apr. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Defence Request for the Disclosure of Information Pertaining to the Independent Counsel" Submitted on 20 February 2014 by the Defence for Mr Bemba, ICC-01/05-01/13-349 (ICC PTC II, Apr. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Joint Decision on Applications for Leave to Appeal the "Decision on the Reclassification of Documents in the Record of the Situation and of the Case" (ICC-01/05-01/13-147) Submitted by the Defence for Mr Kilolo and the Defence for Mr Babala, ICC-01/05-01/13-348 (ICC PTC II, Apr. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision Reclassifying Documents in the Record, Lifting Protective Measures and Taking Additional Measures Related to the Implementation of Decision ICC-01/05-01/13-41-Red, ICC-01/05-01/13-347-Red (ICC PTC II, Apr. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Defence Request for Leave to Reply to the 'Consolidated Response to the Defence Requests'", ICC-01/05-01/08-3049 (ICC TC III, Apr. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Prosecution's Request for Extension of Time Pursuant to Regulation 35(2) of the Regulations of the Court", ICC-01/05-01/08-3046 (ICC TC III, Apr. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Public Redacted Decision Vacating the Trial Date of 5 May 2014, ICC-02/05-03/09-564-Red (ICC TC IV, Apr. 16, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Confidential Prosecution, Ntaganda Defence, Lubanga Defence, VPRS and victim a/0078/06's Legal Representatives only Order relating to the Prosecutor's request for transmission by VPRS of an application for reparations, ICC-01/04-01/06-3080 (ICC AC, Apr. 16, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision Replacing Two Judges in Trial Chamber II, ICC-01/04-01/07-3468 (ICC Pres., Apr. 16, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on Motion Entitled "Narcisse Arido's Emergency Motion for an Order Requiring Registrar von Hebel to Officially Recognize Ms. Abbe Jolles of Wshington, DC-USA as His Lawyer and for Sanctions and Damages for Acting in Bad Faith disregarding His Counsel Choice, Barring Counsel from Seeing Him, Disregarding and Interfering with, the Attorney Client Relationship, Attempting to Induce a Breach Through Deception, Undue Influence, Manipulation and Isolation Filed Pursuant to Rule 21(3) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence" and Supplement to Motion Entitled "Supplemental to Narcisse Arido's Emergency Motion for an Order Requiring Registrar von Hebel to Cease and Desist in Threatening [sic], Coercing and Manipulation His Choice of Counsel - Serious Misconduct Requiring Removal under Article 46(1)(a) of the Rome Statue", ICC-01/05-01/13-344 (ICC Pres., Apr. 16, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the "Joint Request of the Common Legal Representatives to access confidential documents in the case record", ICC-01/04-02/06-58-295 (ICC PTC II, Jun. 08, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on Mr Fidele Babala Wandu's Request for Leave to Reply to the "Prosecution Opposition to the Babala Defence's Appeal Against His Provisional Detention", ICC-01/05-01/13-342 (ICC AC, Apr. 15, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Defence Request for Access to Confidential Transcripts and Filings" Dated 1 April 2014 Submitted by the Defence for Jean-Pierre Bemba Gomba in Case ICC-01/05-01/08, ICC-01/05-01/13-338 (ICC PTC II, Apr. 15, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Defence Request for a Confidential Investigative Measure Pursuant to Article 57(3)(b) of the Rome Statute", ICC-01/05-01/13-337 (ICC PTC II, Apr. 15, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the Prosecutor's Request to Submit a Reply, ICC-01/04-02/06-58-294 (ICC PTC II, Apr. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision Establishing a System for Disclosure of Evidence, ICC-02/11-02/11-57 (ICC PTC I, Apr. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Demande de Me Catherine Mabille Afin d'etre Autorisee a se Retirer du Dossier en Rualite de Conseil Adjoint Pro Bono de Me Aime Kilolo Musamba", ICC-01/05-01/13-331 (ICC PTC II, Apr. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Order Entering into the Record a Note of an Ex Parte Meeting, ICC-01/09-01/11-1264 (ICC TC V(a), Apr. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the Appeal of the Prosecutor against the Decision of Trial Chamber II Entitled "Jugement Rendu en Application de l'article 74 du Statut", ICC-01/04-01/07-3464 (ICC AC, Apr. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order Postponing the Hearing Before the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/06-3079 (ICC AC, Apr. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Third Order on the Reclassification of Transcripts, ICC-01/05-01/08-3038 (ICC TC III, Apr. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Order for Submissions in Response to the Request for the Execution of Order ICC-01/04/-02/12-158, ICC-01/04-02/12-173 (ICC AC, Apr. 09, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision Shortening the Time Limit for Responses to the "Prosecution's Request to Refer Potentially Privileged Materials to Independent Counsel" Dated 2 April 2014 by the Defence for Mr Kilolo and the Defence for Mr Arido, ICC-01/05-01/13-323 (ICC PTC II, Apr. 09, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Decision on the Cooperation of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Regarding Omar Al Bashir's Arrest and Surrender to the Court, ICC-02/05-01/09-195 (ICC PTC II, Apr. 09, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Confidential Order for submissions on the implementation of the request to freeze assets, ICC-01/09-02/11-910 (ICC TC V(B), Apr. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on Closure of Evidence and Other Procedural Matters, ICC-01/05-01/08-3035 (ICC TC III, Apr. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Order Scheduling a Status Conference, ICC-02/05-03/09-551 (ICC TC IV, Apr. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Corrected version of 'Decision on "Request for access to filings which mayrelate to steps taken to identify, trace, freeze or seize assets of the accused"' under seal, ex parte, Prosecution and Common Legal Representative of Victims, ICC-01/09-02/11-909 (ICC TC V(B), Apr. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision on the Requests of Mr Germain Katanga and the Prosecutor Relating to the Time Limits for their Filings on Appeal, ICC-01/04-01/07-3454 (ICC AC, Apr. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Prosecution's Application for Redactions Pursuant to Rule 81(4) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence" Dated 21 March 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-315 (ICC PTC II, Apr. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Confidential Decision on the "Prosecution's Urgent Application for Redactions and for a Variation of Protective Measures Applied by Trial Chamber I" with confidential Ex Parte Annex, Prosecutor and VWU only, ICC-01/04-02/06-289 (ICC PTC II, Apr. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Confidential Order relating to the Prosecutor's response to Mr Lubanga's article 70 investigation request, ICC-01/04-01/06-3076 (ICC AC, Apr. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on 'Prosecution's Application for Leave to Appeal the Decision on Excusal from Presence at Trial under Rule 134quarter', ICC-01/09-01/11-1246 (ICC TC V(a), Apr. 02, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Requete Aux Fins de Prorogation du Delai de Depot des Soumissions Finales de la Defence et d'obtention de Pages Additionnelles", ICC-02/11-01/11-645 (ICC PTC I, Apr. 02, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Prosecution's Application to Submit Additional Evidence'", ICC-01/05-01/08-3029 (ICC TC III, Apr. 02, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the Filing of a Response to Mr Fidele Babala Wandu's Request for Leave to Reply to the "Prosecution Opposition to the Babala Defence's Appeal Against his Provisional Detention", ICC-01/05-01/13-308 (ICC AC, Apr. 01, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Decision on Prosecution's Applications for a Finding of Non-Compliance Pursuant to Article 87(7) and for an Adjournment of the Provisional Trial Date, ICC-01/09-02/11-908 (ICC TC V(b), Mar. 31, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Second Decision on the "Defence Request for Disclosure" Submitted by the Defence for Jean-Pierre Bemba on 20 February 2014 and Related Filings, ICC-01/05-01/13-298 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 27, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Prosecution's Request for an Extension of the Page Limit for the Its Final Wirtten Submissions", ICC-02/11-01/11-641 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Requete d'autorisation d'appel de la Decision Publique ICC-01/15-01/13187 14-02-2014 'Joint Decision'" Submitted by the Defence for Jean-Jacques Mangenda on 19 February 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-295 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the Appeal of Mr Germain Katanga against the Decision of Trial chamber II Entitled "Jugement rendu en Application de l'article 74 du Statut", ICC-01/04-01/07-3449 (ICC AC, Mar. 25, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Further Order Regarding the Conduct of the Hearing of the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/06-3068 (ICC AC, Mar. 25, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Decision Regarding Omar Al-Bashir's Potential Travel to the Republic of Chad, ICC-02/05-01/09-194 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 25, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Order Convening a Hearing for the First Appearance of Charles Ble Goude, ICC-02/11-02/11-46 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 24, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the OPCV's "Request for Re-Classification and Extension of Time to File the Final Written Submissions", ICC-02/11-01/11-639 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 24, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Defence's and Maitre Marie-Edith Douzima-Lawson's Submissions on the "Order on the Classification of Items Admitted into Evidence" (ICC-01/05-01/08-2921), ICC-01/05-01/08-3023 (ICC TC III, Mar. 24, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Decision Regarding Omar Al-Bashir's Potential Travel to the State of Kuwait, ICC-02/05-01/09-192 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 24, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Scheduling Order for a Hearing Before the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/06-3067 (ICC AC, Mar. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on Mr Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo's Requests for Time and Page Limit Extensions for his Document in Support of the Appeal, ICC-01/05-01/13-286 (ICC AC, Mar. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the Appeal of Mr Aime Kilolo Musamba Against the Decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II Entitled "Decision on the 'Demande de Mise en Liberte Provisoire de Maitre Aime Kilolo Musamba'", ICC-01/05-01/13-284 (ICC AC, Mar. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the Appeal of Mr Fidele Babala Wandu Against the Decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II Entitled "Decision on the 'Requete Urgente de la Defense Sollicitant la Mise en Liberte Provisoire de Monsieur Fidele Babala Wandu'", ICC-01/05-01/13-283 (ICC AC, Mar. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the Filing of a Response by the Prosecutor to Mr Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo's Requests for an Extension of the Time and Page Limits for His Document in Support of the Appeal, ICC-01/05-01/13-281 (ICC AC, Mar. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber in the Appeal of Mr Jean-Jacques Mangenda Kabongo Against the Decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II Entitled "Decision on the 'Requete de Mise en Liberte' Submitted by the Defence for Jean-Jacques Mangenda", ICC-01/05-01/13-280 (ICC AC, Mar. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision on the Participation of Victims in the Trial Proceedings, ICC-02/05-03/09-545 (ICC TC IV, Mar. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision Replacing Judges in the Appeals Chamber, ICC-01/04-01/07-3446 (ICC Pres., Mar. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Narcisse Arido's Regulation 35 Motion to Extend Time for Initial Appearance to March 24, 2014 to Allow Attorney, Abbe Jolles, to Travel from Washington DC, USA" Dated 18 March 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-274 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision Convening a Hearing for the First Appearance of Narcisse Arido, ICC-01/05-01/13-265 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 18, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Second Decision on Bosco Ntaganda's Interim Release, ICC-01/04-02/06-58-284 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Requete a la Cour de ne Pas Exercer sa Competence, en Application de l'art. 70.4(b) du Statut de Rome et de la Regle 162.a, 'Demande en Dessaisissement'" Submitted by the Defence for Mr Mangenda, ICC-01/05-01/13-263 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Defence Request for Disclosure" Submitted by the Defence for Jean-Pierre Bemba on 20 February 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-262 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Requete de Mise en Liberte" Submitted by the Defence for Jean-Jacques Mangenda, ICC-01/05-01/13-261 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Demande de Mise en Liberte Provisoire de Maitre Aime Kilolo Musamba", ICC-01/05-01/13-259 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Requete Urgente de la Defense Sollicitant la Mise en Liberte Provisoire de Monsieur Fidele Babala Wandu", ICC-01/05-01/13-258 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the Filing of Submissions and Consolidated Comments on the Requests for the Disqualification of the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutor and the Other Members of the Office of the Prosecutor, ICC-01/05-01/13-257 (ICC AC, Mar. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Prosecution Request for a Page Limit Extension for the Document Containing the Charges" Dated 11 March 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-256 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Prosecution's Request for Variation of Time Limits Pursuant to Regulation 35 of the Regulations of the Court Concerning the Confirmation of Charges" Dated 3 March 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-255 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Requete Urgente Aux Fins de Prorogation du Delai Donne par la Chambre le l e Fevrier 2014 a la Defense Pour Qu'Elle Depose le 17 Mars 2014 des Observations Ecrites Sur la Preuve du Procureur et Requete Urgente Aux Fins D'Augmentation du Nombre de Pages Autorise En Vue du Depot Par la Defense de Ses Observations Ecrites Sur la Preuve du Procureur (Norme 37(1))", ICC-02/11-01/11-636 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 13, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Presiding Judge of the Appeals Chamber for the Proceedings with Respect to the Request of Mr Aime Kilolo Musamba for the Disqualification of the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutor and the Other Members of the Office of the Prosecutor, ICC-01/05-01/13-253 (ICC AC, Mar. 13, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Fifth Decision on the Review of Laurent Gbagbo's Detention Pursuant to Article 60(3) of the Rome Statute, ICC-02/11-01/11-633 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Prosecution Request for a Varience of Protective Measures of Trial Witnesses to Allow Access to Transcripts of Evidence in a Related Article 70 Proceeding", ICC-01/05-01/08-3014 (ICC TC III, Mar. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Defence Request for Withdrawal or Clarification of a Filing", ICC-01/05-01/08-3011 (ICC TC III, Mar. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Matsanga, Public redacted version Decision on Mr. Matsanga's requests for reclassification of documents, for suspension or arrest of the former and present Prosecutors and for arrest and prosecution of the former Prosecutor, ICC-01/09-127-Red (ICC AC, Mar. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Prosecution's Request Pursuant to Regulation 35 for an Extension of Time to Add One Statement to Its Amended List of Evidence For the Purposes of the Confirmation of Charges and, if Granted, to be Permitted to Apply Redactions to this Item of Evidence Pursuant to Rule 81(2)", ICC-02/11-01/11-632-Red (ICC PTC I, Mar. 06, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Public redacted version Judgment on the appeal of Mr Bosco Ntaganda against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II of 18 November 2013 entitled "Decision on the Defence's Application for Interim Release", ICC-01/04-02/06-271-Red (ICC AC, Mar. 05, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Corrected Version of 'Decision Shortening the Time Limit for Responses to the "Prosecution's Request for Variation of Time Limites Pursuant to Regulation 55 of the Regulations of the Court Concerning the Confirmation of Charges" Dated 3 March 2014', ICC-01/05-01/13-235-Corr (ICC PTC II, Mar. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ble Goude, Decision on Cote d'Ivoire's Request to Postpone the Surrender of Charles Ble Goude to the Court, ICC-02/11-02/11-41 (ICC PTC I, Mar. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Decision Requesting Observations on Omar Al-Bashir's Visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, ICC-02/05-01/09-189 (ICC PTC II, Mar. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Withdrawal of Counsel Cire Cledor Ly From the Case, ICC-02/11-01/12-38 (ICC PTC I, Feb. 28, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Order on the Reclassification of a Document, ICC-01/04-01/06-3065 (ICC AC, Feb. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Defence Request for Leave to Reply to the 'Prosecution's Response to the 'Defence Motion on Privileged Communications'", ICC-01/05-01/08-2996 (ICC TC III, Feb. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Defence Request for Leave to Reply to the 'Prosecution's Response to 'Defence Motion on Prosecution Contact with its Witnesses''", ICC-01/05-01/08-2995 (ICC TC III, Feb. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Decision Regarding Omar Al-Bashir's Visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, ICC-02/05-01/09-186 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 26, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Scheduling Order for the judgment on the appeal of Mr. Bosco Ntaganda against the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber II entitled "Decision on the Defence's Application for Interim Release", ICC-01/04-02/06-268 (ICC AC, Feb. 25, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Order on the reclassification of documents, ICC-01/04-02/06-58-267 (ICC AC, Feb. 25, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision Shortening the Time Limit for Response to Mr Bemba's "Defence Request for Disclosure" Dated 20 February 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-212 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on Cote d'Ivoire's Request to Provide Additional Documents in Support of Its Challenge to the Admissibility of the Case Against Simone Gbagbo, ICC-02/11-01/12-35 (ICC PTC I, Feb. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Requete en Interpretation de la 'Decision on the Reclassification of Documents in the Record of the Situation and of the Case' (ICC-01/05-01/13-147)", ICC-01/05-01/13-205 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on Defence Request for Leave to Reply to "Prosecution's Response to 'Defence Request for Interim Relief'", ICC-01/05-01/08-2985 (ICC TC III, Feb. 19, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Reasons for the Decision on Excusal from Presence at Trial under Rule 134quater, ICC-01/09-01/11-1186 (ICC TC V(a), Feb. 18, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Confidential Order on the filing of submissions by the Registrar concerning the "Registry report following the decision of the Single Judge of 19 September 2013 (ICC-01/04-02/06-109-Conf)", ICC-01/04-02/06-260 (ICC AC, Feb. 18, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the Application by the Redress Trust to Submit Amicus Curiae Observations, ICC-01/04-02/06-259 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 18, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Decision on the "Prosecution's Urgent Notification of Travel in the Case of The Prosecutor v Omar Al Bashir", ICC-02/05-01/09-184 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 17, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on Defence Requests Related to the Continuation of the Confirmation Proceedings, ICC-02/11-01/11-619 (ICC PTC I, Feb. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Redaction and Transmission to Trial Chamber III of Mr Mangenda's Defece "Requete a la Cour de ne pas Exercer sa Competence, en Application de l'art. 70.4(b) du Statut de Rome et de la Regle 162.a, 'Demande en Dessaisissement'" Dated 22 January 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-190 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Joint Decision on Applications for Leave to Appeal Decisions Issued in the Situation Following their Reclassification, Submitted by the Defence for Mr Mangenda, the Defence for Mr Kilolo and the Defence for Mr Bemba, ICC-01/05-01/13-187 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision Designating a Single Judge, ICC-01/11-01/11-511 (ICC PTC I, Feb. 13, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Prosecution Request to Obtain Evidence from the Detention Centre" Dated 12 February 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-185 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 13, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Order on Reclassification of ICC-01/09-02/11-866-Conf-Exp, ICC-01/09-02/11-900 (ICC TC V(b), Feb. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Prosecution Request to Obtain Evidence from the Victims and Witnesses Unit" Dated 10 February 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-182 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on Mr Bemba's Request for Disclosure Dated 5 February 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-181 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order Requesting Observations on "Defence Motion on Privileged Communications", ICC-01/05-01/08-2969 (ICC TC III, Feb. 12, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Decision on Mr Ngudjolo's Request for Review of the Registrar's Decision Regarding the Level of Remuneration During the Appeal Phase and Reimbursement of Fees, ICC-01/04-02/12-159 (ICC AC, Feb. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Defence Request for an Order Requiring the Translation of Evidence", ICC-01/05-01/13-177 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 11, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Decision on Application for Leave to Reply to Defence Observations on the Annexes to Prosecution Filing ICC-02/05-03/09-517-Red (ICC-02/05-03/09-529-Conf) and Related Matters, ICC-02/05-03/09-540 (ICC TC IV, Feb. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision Suspending the Time Limit for the Defence Submission of Its Observations on the Prosecutor's Evidence and Disclosure to the Prosecutor of the Evidence it Intends to Present, If Any, and Filing of Its Amended List of Evidence, ICC-02/11-01/11-614 (ICC PTC I, Feb. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Second Decision on Victims' Participation at the Confirmation of Charges Hearing and in the Related Proceedings with two confidential ex parte annexes, ICC-01/04-02/06-251 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Decision Granting the Request of the Government of Kenya to Submit Observations as Amicus Curiae, ICC-01/09-02/11-898 (ICC TC V(b), Feb. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Prosecution's Application for Redactions Pursuant to Rule 81(4) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence" Dated 31 January 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-163 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order Requesting Observations from the Kingdom of the Netherlands and from the Other Defence Teams on the "Requete a la Cour de ne Pas Exercer sa Competence, en Application de l'art. 70.4(b) du Statut de Rome et de la Regle 162.a, 'Demande en Dessaisissement'" Submitted by the Defence for Mr Mangenda, ICC-01/05-01/13-162 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Order on the Legal Representation of Victims Previously Represented by Me Assingambi Zarambaud, ICC-01/05-01/08-2964 (ICC TC III, Feb. 07, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the "Prosecution's Provision of 56 Documents Collected under Article 54(3)(e)", ICC-01/04-02/06-247 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 06, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Order Scheduling a Status Conference on 13 February 2014, ICC-01/09-02/11-897 (ICC TC V(b), Feb. 06, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gaddafi, Decision on Mr Al-Senussi's Request to File Further Submissions and Related Issues, ICC-01/11-01/11-508 (ICC AC, Feb. 06, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision Shortening the Time Limit for the Prosecutor's Response to the "Defence Request for Disclosure" Dated 5 February 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-155 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 06, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on a Defence Request for a Status Conference, ICC-02/11-01/11-604 (ICC PTC I, Feb. 05, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the Schedule for the Confirmation of Charges Hearing with Public Annex, ICC-01/04-02/06-245 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 04, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Scheduling Order and Agenda for Status Conference of 5 February 2014, ICC-01/09-02/11-893 (ICC TC V(b), Feb. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the Reclassification of Documents in the Record of the Situation and of the Case, ICC-01/05-01/13-147 (ICC PTC II, Feb. 03, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Prosecution's Request Pursuant to Regulation 35 of the Regulations of the Court for Variation of Time Limit for Disclosure", ICC-01/05-01/13-142 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 31, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Banda, Public Redacted "Decision on the 'Defence Request for Termination of Proceedings'", ICC-02/05-03/09-535-Red (ICC TC IV, Jan. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Decision Replacing a Judge in Trial Chamber V(b), ICC-01/09-02/11-890 (ICC Pres., Jan. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Decision on the "Prosecution's Urgent Notification of Travel in the Case of The Prosecutor v Omar Al Bashir", ICC-02/05-01/09-180 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 30, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on Status Conference and Additional Submissions Related to 'Prosecution's Request under Article 64(60(b) and Article 93 to Summon Witnesses', ICC-01/09-01/11-1165 (ICC TC V(a), Jan. 29, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the "Joint Request of the Common Legal Representatives to access documents in the Bosco Ntaganda case record", ICC-01/04-02/06-237 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 29, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on Maitre Douzima's "Requete de la Representante Legale de Victimes en Vue de Soumettre des Documents en Tant qu'elements de Preuve Selon l'article 64(9) du Statut de Rome", ICC-01/05-01/08-2950 (ICC TC III, Jan. 29, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Prosecution's Notice of Receipt of Communication from Dutch Authorities Concerning Seized Material" and Related Filings, ICC-01/05-01/13-135 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 28, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Defence Request for an In-Depth Analysis Chart" Submitted by the Defence for Mr Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo, ICC-01/05-01/13-134 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 28, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the "Joint Request to attend the Status Conference to be held on 27 January 2014, ICC-01/04-02/06-230 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 27, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision Regarding the Non-Disclosure of 116 Documents Collected Pursuant to Article 54(3)(e) of the Rome Statute, ICC-01/04-02/06-229 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 27, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the "Requete Afin Que Le "Document Amende De Notification des Charges" Depose Par Le Procureur 13 Janvier 2014 et les Documents Afferents Soient Declares Irrecevables et Ecartes par la Chambre Preliminaire.", ICC-02/11-01/11-595 (ICC PTC I, Jan. 27, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision Convening a Status Conference on Disclosure Issues and on the Organisation of the Confirmation Hearing, ICC-01/04-02/06-225 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 24, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Order Vacating Trial Date of 5 February 2014, Convening a Status Conference, and Addressing Other Procedural Matters, ICC-01/09-02/11-886 (ICC TC V(b), Jan. 23, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Kenyatta, Decision on Prosecution Request Regarding Disclosure of Identity of Witness 66, ICC-01/09-02/11-884 (ICC TC V(b), Jan. 22, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Prosecution's Request for Leave to Reply to Defence 'Response to the Prosecution's Application to Submit Additional Evidence'", ICC-01/05-01/08-2942 (ICC TC III, Jan. 22, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on Defence Applications for Leave to Appeal the Decision on Disclosure of Information on VWU Assistance, ICC-01/09-01/11-1154 (ICC TC V(a), Jan. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision Shortening the Time Limit for the Responses to the "Defence Request for an Order Requiring the Translation of Evidence", ICC-01/05-01/13-115 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 21, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the Defence Request to Lift Redactions, ICC-01/04-02/06-218 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ngudjolo, Order on the Implementation of the Cooperation Agreement Between the Court and the Democratic Republic of the Congo Concluded Pursuant Article 93 (&) of the Statue, ICC-01/04-02/12-158 (ICC AC, Jan. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Katanga, Decision on the Admissibility of the Appeal Against the "Decision on the Application for the Interim Release of Detained Witnesses DRC-D02-P0236, DRC-D02-P0228 and DRC-D02-P0350", ICC-01/04-01/07-3424 (ICC AC, Jan. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Demande en Reconsideration de la Decision du 19 Decembre 2013 sur la Requete en Autorisation d'appel de la Decision ICC-01/05-01/13-41-Conf-Red" Submitted by the Defence for Mr Mangenda, ICC-01/05-01/13-114 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Demande d'autorisation de Repliquer a la 'Prosecution Response to the 'Demande de Mise en Liberte Provisoire de Maitre Aime Kilolo Musamba' of 16 December 2013 and its Addendum of 7 January 2014 (ICC-01/05-01/13 and ICC-01/05-01/13-69)'", ICC-01/05-01/13-112 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Demande d'authorisation de se Retirer de la Presente Affaire en Qualite de Conseil de Monsieur Fidele Babala Wandu", ICC-01/05-01/13-111 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Demande d'authorisation de se Retirer de la Presente Affaire en ma Qualite de Conseil de Monsieur Aime Kilolo Musamba", ICC-01/05-01/13-110 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Demande en Autorisation d'appel de la Decision ICC-01/05-01/13-48 Conf du 17 Decembre 2013 sur la Requete du Procureur de Soumettre les Converstions Telephoniques Entre Messieurs Bemba et Mangenda au "Conseil Independent"' Submitted by the Defence for Mr Mangenda on 13 January 2014, ICC-01/05-01/13-109 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 20, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Urgent Decision on Victims' Participation at the Confirmation of Charges Hearing and in the Related Proceedings with one public annex and two confidential ex parte annexes, ICC-01/04-02/06-211 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 15, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Order Regarding the "Prosecution's Information of the Status of Disclosure", ICC-01/04-02/06-210 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 15, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision Shortening the Time Limit for the Prosecutor's Response to the "Defence Request for an In-Depth Analysis Chart", ICC-01/05-01/13-100 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 15, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Requ�te en communication de la version originale des enregistrements sonores et des entretiens t�l�phoniques vis�s par le Procureur dans la pi�ce ICC-01/05-01/13-19-Conf-AnxI.l" submitted by the Defence for Mr. Babala, ICC-01/05-01/13-99 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 15, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Prosecution's Application for Redactions pursuant to Rule 81(2) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence" with confidential ex parte Annex A, ICC-01/05-01/13-98 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 15, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Urgent Decision on the Defence Urgent Request of 14 January 2014, ICC-01/04-02/06-209 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Requ�te en authorisation d'appel (art. 82.1.d)" submitted by the Defence for Mr Mangenda, ICC-01/05-01/13-93 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on the "Demande d'autorisation de r�pliquer � la 'Prosecution Response to the 'Requ�te urgente de la D�fense sollicitant la mise en libert� provisoire de monsieur Fid�le Babala Wandu' (ICC-01/05-01/13-38)'", ICC-01/05-01/13-92 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 14, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision on the Defence Request for Leave to Appeal, ICC-01/04-02/06-207 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 13, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ntaganda, Decision Shortening the Time-limit for Observations by the Parties on the "Sixth Report to the Pre-Trial Chamber on applications to participate in the proceedings", ICC-01/04-02/06-205 (ICC PTC II, Jan. 13, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Lubanga, Decision and Order in Relation to the Request of 23 December 2013 Filed by Mr. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, ICC-01/04-01/06-3057 (ICC AC, Jan. 13, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Order Scheduling a Status Conference, ICC-01/09-01/11-1141 (ICC TC V(a), Jan. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Decision on the Defence Request for Extension of Time, ICC-02/11-01/11-589 (ICC PTC I, Jan. 10, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Bemba, Decision on "Prosecution's Application for Extension of Time Limit to Submit Proper Redactions of Admitted Evidence", ICC-01/05-01/08-2929 (ICC TC III, Jan. 09, 2014)

Prosecutor v. Ruto, Decision on the Sang Defence Request for an Extension of the Page Limit, ICC-01/09-01/11-1134 (ICC TC V(a), Jan. 07, 2014)


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