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23 July 1912

international commission of inquiry


The Tavignano, Camouna and Gaulois Cases

Capture of the �Tavignano� and Cannon Shots Fired at the �Canouna� and the �Galois�


Report of the commission of inquiry constituted in virtue of the agreement for inquiry signed at Rome between France and Italy, May 20, 1912 - Malte, July 23, 1912.








BEFORE: Commissioners: Guiseppe Genoese Zerbi; Somborn; Segrave
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Publication: James Brown Scott, ed., The Hague Court Reports, at 413 (New York: OUP, 1916)




[p413] The commissioners, after having examined and compared all data gathered both from the documents presented by the two parties [p414] and from the evidence in the case; after having done the important part, which was the weighing of all this evidence; and after having taken into consideration the degree of uncertainty appertaining thereto, has reached the following conclusions:


The evidence and documents presented are not of a nature to permit of determination of the exact geographical points where occurred the various acts which have been submitted to inquiry, but simply of the zones in which they occurred, it being impossible to decide upon an exact point in the zones.

1. Regarding the point where the Tavignano stopped.

This point is within the area of a rectilinear quadrilateral set off by the following four apexes:

Apex C
Latitude 33�9'20" North,
Longitude 8�56'40" East of Paris.

Apex B
Latitude 33�29'10" North,
Longitude 8�55'10" East of Paris.

Apex A
Latitude 33�6'30" North,
Longitude 8�54'40" East of Paris.

Apex D
Latitude 33�26'30" North,
Longitude 8�56'20" East of Paris.

2. Regarding the pursuit of the mahones:

A. By the Fulmine.

The Fulmine, setting out from an indeterminate point in the zone above defined, pursued the mahones, perhaps going out of that zone, in a direction impossible to determine definitely but which was either southeast or southwest by south.

The pursued mahones were located at the following points, which are the centers of inexact circles of half-mile radii:

Latitude 33�24'10" North,
Longitude 9�00'15 East of Paris.

Latitude 33�22'40" North,
Longitude 8�59'55" East of Paris. [p415]

After this pursuit the Fulmine returned to moor near the Tavignano, at point H, which the commission has chosen as the center of an inexact circle of a half-mile radius.

B. The Canopo cannonaded the Gaulois when that mahone was at a point indicated above and when it (the Canopo) was proceeding in a northerly direction from the point indicated in its log-book by

Latitude 33�20'45" North,
Longitude 9�00'50" East of Paris.

which point the commission has also adopted as the center of an inexact circle of a half-mile radius.

The commission, after its visit to the localities and after verification in the waters of Zarzis, decided, in reporting, to use for the hydrography, configuration and nature of the coast and neighboring banks the French Hydrographic Service Card No. 4247. The commission recalls the fact that its verification was the object of the proces-verbal of July 15, 1912, which is numbered 68.

The president having read the present report to the commissioners, the report and its conclusions have been unanimously adopted.

Done at Malte, in triplicate, July 23, 1912.

Commissioners: Guiseppe Genoese Zerbi; Somborn; Segrave


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