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24 June 1949


General List No. 1


international Court of Justice


Corfu Channel


United Kingdom






BEFORE: President: J. G. Guerrero
Citation: Corfu Channel, U.K. v. Albania, Order, 1949 I.C.J. 222 (June 24)


The Acting President of the International Court of Justice in the Corfu Channel case,

Having regard to Article 48 of the Statute of the Court,

Having regard to Articles 37 and 38 of the Rules of Court,

Having regard to the Order of the Court of April 9th, 1949, in the Corfu Channel case, regulating the procedure for the assessment of the amount of compensation due from the People's Republic of Albania to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

Whereas by telegram dated Tirana, June 23rd, 1949, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Albania has asked for the extension, to July 1st, 1949, of the time-limit for the presentation, by the Government of the People's Republic of Albania, of its observations on the amount demanded from it by the United Kingdom, time-limit which the Order of April 9th, 1949, fixed as June 25th, 1949;

Whereas there is no reason for refusing the request of the Albanian Government,[p223]


To extend the time-limits fixed by the Order of the Court of April 9th, 1949, to the following dates:

Friday, July 1st, 1949, for the submission by the Government of the People's Republic of Albania of its observations on the amount demanded from it;

Monday, August 1st, 1949, for the reply of the Government of the United Kingdom;

Thursday, September 1st, 1949, for the reply of the Government of the People's Republic of Albania.

Done in French and in English, the French text being authoritative, at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this twenty-fourth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine, in three copies, one of which will be placed in the archives of the Court, and the others transmitted to the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and to the Government of the People's Republic of Albania respectively.

(Signed) J.G.Guerrero,
Acting President.

(Signed) Garnier-Coignet,




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