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14 January 1954


General List No. 21


international Court of Justice


Effect of Awards of Compensation Made by the United Nations Administrative Tribunal






BEFORE: President: Arnold D. McNair
Citation: Effect of Awards of Compensation Made by the United Nations Administrative Tribunal, Order, 1954 I.C.J. 4 (Jan. 14)

The President of the International Court of Justice,

having regard to Article 66, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Court;

Whereas on December 9th, 1953, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution requesting the International Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion on the following questions:

"(1) Having regard to the Statute of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal and to any other relevant instruments and to the relevant records, has the General Assembly the right on any grounds to refuse to give effect to an award of compensation made by that Tribunal in favour of a staff member of the United Nations whose contract of service has been terminated without his assent?

(2) If the answer given by the Court to question (1) is in the affirmative, what are the principal grounds upon which the General Assembly could lawfully exercise such a right?"

Whereas certified true copies of the English and French texts of the aforesaid resolution of the General Assembly were transmitted to the Court by a letter of the Secretary-General of the United [p 5] Nations dated December 16th, 1953, and filed in the Registry on December 21st, 1953;

Fixes March 15th, 1954, as the time-limit within which written statements may be submitted by any State entitled to appear before the Court, or any international organization, considered by the President as likely to be able to furnish information on the questions referred to the Court;

Reserves the rest of the procedure for further decision.

Done in English and French, the English text being authoritative, at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this fourteenth day of January, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four.

(Signed) Arnold D. McNair,

(Signed) J. Lopez Olivan,




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