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8 April 1954


General List No. 20


international Court of Justice


�Electricite De Beyrouth� Company








BEFORE: President: Arnold D. McNair
Citation: �Electricite De Beyrouth� Company, France v. Lebanon, Order, 1954 I.C.J. 13 (Apr. 8)

The President of the International Court of Justice,

having regard to Article 48 of the Statute of the Court,

having regard to Articles 37 and 38 of the Rules of Court;

Having regard to the Order made by the Court on October 20th, 1953, fixing the time-limits for the presentation of the documents of the written procedure in the "Électricité de Beyrouth" Company case,

Whereas, by letter of March 29th, 1954, filed in the Registry on April 1st, 1954, the Agent of the Government of Lebanon requested that the time-limit fixed for April 28th, 1954, for the presentation of the Counter-Memorial of the Government of Lebanon be extended for three months,

Whereas the Agent of the Government of the French Republic, to whom the aforesaid request was communicated, has, by letter of April 6th, 1954, indicated that he did not object to this request;

Fixes July 28th, 1954, as the time-limit for the filing of the Counter-Memorial of the Government of Lebanon;

Reserves the rest of the procedure for further decision. [p 14]

Done in French and English, the French text being authoritative, at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this eighth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-four, in three copies, one of which will be placed in the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Republic of Lebanon, respectively.

(Signed) Arnold D. McNair,

(Signed) J. Lopez Olivan,








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