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26 May 1961


General List No. 45


international Court of Justice


Temple of Preah Vihear








BEFORE: President: Winiarski
Citation: Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v. Thail.), 1961 I.C.J. 52 (Order of May 26)

The International Court of Justice,

composed as above,

after deliberation,

having regard to Article 48 of the Statute of the Court and to Article 62 of the Rules of Court,

Makes the following Order:

Having regard to the Judgment of 26 May 1961 in the case concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear, by which the Court rejected the first preliminary objection of the Government of Thailand, and found that it had jurisdiction to adjudicate upon the dispute submitted to it on 6 October 1959 by the Application of the Government of Cambodia; [p 53]

The Court,

In the light of the information obtained from the Parties,

Fixes the following time-limits for the further proceedings:

for the filing of the Counter-Memorial of the Government of Thailand, 29 September 1961;

for the filing of the Reply of the Government of Cambodia, 29 November 1961;

for the filing of the Rejoinder of the Government of Thailand, 2 February 1962.

Done in French and in English, the French text being authoritative, at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this twenty-sixth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-one, in three copies, one of which will be placed in the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the Government of Cambodia and to the Government of Thailand, respectively.

(Signed) B. Winiarski,

(Signed) Garnier-Coignet,








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