Case No.: IT-96-23 & 23/1-A


Before: Judge Mohamed Shahabuddeen, Pre-Appeal Judge

Registrar: Mr. Hans Holthuis

Order of: 28 August 2001



Dragoljub KUNARAC
Radomir KOVAC




Counsel for the Prosecutor:

Mr. Upawansa Yapa

Counsel for the Appellants:

Mr. Slavisa Prodanovic and Ms. Maja Pilipovic for Dragoljub Kunarac
Mr. Momir Kolesar and Mr. Vladimir Rajic for Radomir Kovac
Mr. Goran Jovanovic and Ms. Jelena Lopicic for Zoran Vukovic


I, Mohamed Shahabuddeen, Judge of the Appeals Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991 ("the International Tribunal"),

NOTING the "Order designating a Pre-Appeal Judge" issued on 8 June 2001, which designated Judge Shahabuddeen as the Pre-Appeal Judge;

BEING SEISED OF the "The Defense’s Request for the Extension of Time Limit", filed by counsel for Radomir Kovac and Dragoljub Kunarac on 20 August 2001 ("the Request");

CONSIDERING that the Request seeks an extension of the time limit for filing their replies pursuant to Rule 113 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence ("the Rules") from 30 August 2001 to 4 September 2001, arguing that the Prosecutor’s response to their briefs was delivered 5 days after it had been filed;

NOTING the "Prosecution’s Response to the Joint Motion of the Appellants Radomir Kovac and Dragoljub Kunarac Entitled ‘The Defense’s Request for the Extension of Time Limit’ filed on 20 August 2001", filed on 23 August 2001, whereby the Prosecution does not oppose the Request;

NOTING that Rules 127 and 107 of the Rules provide that "on good cause being shown by motion" the Appeals Chamber may "enlarge or reduce any time prescribed by or under these Rules";

CONSIDERING that the circumstances raised in the present case constitute good cause;

HEREBY GRANT the Request, and;

ORDER that the Reply pursuant to Rule 113 of the Rules by Radomir Kovac and Dragoljub Kunarac be filed on or before 4 September 2001.


Done in both English and French, the English text being authoritative.

Mohamed Shahabuddeen
Pre-Appeal Judge

Dated this twenty-eighth day of August 2001
At The Hague,
The Netherlands.

[Seal of the Tribunal]


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