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    Permanent Court of Arbitration    

The MOX Plant, Ireland v. United Kingdom, Order No. 4, Case No. 2002-01 (PCA, Nov. 14, 2003)

Bank for International Settlements, Reineccius v. BIS, Procedural Order No. 14 On Consent (Changes to Text of Final Award as Agreed by the Parties), Case No. 2000-04 (PCA, Oct. 13, 2003)

Bank for International Settlements, Reineccius v. BIS, Final Award on Claims for Compensation for the Shares Formerly Held by the Claimants, Interest Due Thereon and Costs of the Arbitration and on the Counterclaim of the Bank Against First Eagle Sogen Funds, Inc., Case No. 2000-04 (PCA, Sep. 19, 2003)

Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, Eritrea v. Ethiopia, Decision pursuant to Article 15B of the Commission's Demarcation Directions, Case No. 2001-01 (PCA, Jul. 07, 2003)

OSPAR Arbitration, Ireland v. United Kingdom, Final Award, Case No. 2001-03 (PCA, Jul. 02, 2003)

Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission, Eritrea v. Ethiopia, Partial Award (Prisoners of War) (Ethiopia�s Claim 4), Case No. 2001-02 (PCA, Jul. 01, 2003)

Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission, Eritrea v. Ethiopia, Partial Award (Prisoners of War) (Eritrea�s Claim 17), Case No. 2001-02 (PCA, Jul. 01, 2003)

The MOX Plant, Ireland v. United Kingdom , Order No. 3 Suspension of Proceedings on Jurisdiction and Merits, and Request for Further Provisional Measures, Case No. 2002-01 (PCA, Jun. 24, 2003)

Bank for International Settlements, Reineccius v. BIS, Procedural Order No. 13 On Consent (Re: Reineccius Exhibit 1), Case No. 2000-04 (PCA, May. 27, 2003)

Bank for International Settlements, Reineccius v. BIS, Procedural Order No. 12 (Re: Proposed New Exhibit 104), Case No. 2000-04 (PCA, May. 25, 2003)

Bank for International Settlements, Reineccius v. BIS, Procedural Order No. 11 On Consent (Agenda for Hearings and Expert�s Valuation), Case No. 2000-04 (PCA, May. 16, 2003)

Bank for International Settlements, Reineccius v. BIS, Procedural Order No. 10 (Production of Documents and Confirmation of Appraiser), Case No. 2000-04 (PCA, Mar. 09, 2003)

Bank for International Settlements, Reineccius v. BIS, Procedural Order No. 9 (Order on Consent with Respect to the Schedule for Proceedings, Applications for Documents and Appointment of An Expert in the Second Phase), Case No. 2000-04 (PCA, Jan. 31, 2003)

OSPAR Arbitration, Ireland v. United Kingdom, Decision No. 5, Case No. 2001-03 (PCA, Jan. 24, 2003)


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