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    Permanent Court of Arbitration    

Guyana v. Suriname, Award of the Arbitral Tribunal, Case No. 2004-04 (PCA, Sep. 17, 2007)

Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission, Eritrea v. Ethiopia, Decision Number 8 (Relief to War Victims), Case No. 2001-02 (PCA, Jul. 27, 2007)

Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission, Eritrea v. Ethiopia, Decision Number 7 (Guidance regarding Jus ad Bellum Liability), Case No. 2001-02 (PCA, Jul. 27, 2007)

The Eurotunnel Arbitration, Channel Tunnel v. United Kingdom, Partial Award, Case No. 2003-06 (PCA, Jan. 30, 2007)

The MOX Plant, Ireland v. United Kingdom, Order No. 5 (Suspension of Perodic Reports by the Parties), Case No. 2002-01 (PCA, Jan. 22, 2007)


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