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    Special Court for Sierra Leone    

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Under Rule 16 to Continue Trial in the Absence of a Judge, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Dec. 16, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Annex A Defence Motion for Reconsideration of Decision on Defence Motion Requesting an Investigation into Contempt of Court by the Office of the Prosecutor and its Investigators, SCSL-03-01-T-1132 (SCSL TCII, Dec. 03, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Defence Motion Seeking Leave to Appeal the Decision on the Defence Motion Requesting an Investigation into Contempt of Court by the Office of the Prosecutor and its Investigators, SCSL-03-01-T-1130 (SCSL TCII, Dec. 03, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Defence Motion Seeking Leave to Appeal the Decision on the Defence Motion for Admission of Documents and Drawing of an Adverse Inference Relating to the Alleged Death of Johnny Paul Koroma, SCSL-03-01-T-1131 (SCSL TCII, Dec. 02, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Confidential Annexes A-D Defence Motion for Admission of Documents and Drawing of an Adverse Inference Relating to the Alleged Death of Johnny Paul Koroma, SCSL-03-01-T-1119 (SCSL TCII, Nov. 12, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Confidential Annexes A-J and Public Annexes K-O Defence Motion Requesting an Investigation into Contempt of Court by the Office of the Prosecutor and its Investigators, SCSL-03-01-T-1118 (SCSL TCII, Nov. 11, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Under Rule 16 to Continue Trial in the Absence of a Judge, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Nov. 08, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Under Rule 16 to Continue Trial in the Absence of a Judge, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Nov. 03, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Corrigendum to Decision on Public with Confidential Annexes A-D Defence Motion for Disclosure of Exculpatory Information Relating to Dct-032, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Oct. 28, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order for Expedited Filing, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Oct. 28, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Under Rule 16 to Continue Trial in the Absence of a Judge, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Oct. 28, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Setting a Date for the Closure of the Defence Case and Dates for Filing of Final Trial Briefs and the Presentation of Closing Arguments, SCSL-03-01-T-1105 (SCSL TCII, Oct. 22, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Confidential Annexes A to D Defence Motion for Disclosure of Exculpatory Information Relating to DCT-032, SCSL-03-01-T-1104 (SCSL TCII, Oct. 20, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Scheduling Order for a Status Conference, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Oct. 19, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Defence Motion to Exclude Evidence Falling Outside the Scope of the Indictment and/or the Jurisdiction of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, SCSL-03-01-T-1101 (SCSL TCII, Oct. 06, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Annex A Defence Motion for Admission of Documents Pursuant to Rule 92BIS - Newspaper Article, SCSL-03-01-T-1099 (SCSL TCII, Oct. 05, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Corrigendum to Decision on Defence Motion for Disclosure of Statement and Prosecution Payments Made to Dct-097, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Oct. 01, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Corrigendum to Oral Order in Relation to Exhibit P-562, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Oct. 01, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Corrigendum to Defence Motion Requesting an Investigation into Contempt of Court by the Office of the Prosecution and Its Investigators, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Sep. 27, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Defence Motion for Disclosure of Statement and Prosecution Payments Made to DCT-097, SCSL-03-01-T-1084 (SCSL TCII, Sep. 23, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Corrigendum to Decision on Public with Annexes A-J and Confidential Annexes K-L Defence Motion for Admission of Documents Pursuant to Rule 92bis, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Sep. 22, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Annexes A to D Defence Motion for Admission of Documents Pursuant to Rule 92Bis - Contemporaneous Documentation, SCSL-03-01-T-1082 (SCSL TCII, Sep. 22, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Annexes A-J and Confidential Annexes K-L Defence Motion for Admission of Documents Pursuant to Rule 92Bis - Special Task Force, SCSL-03-01-T-1079 (SCSL TCII, Sep. 17, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Annex A Defence Motion for Admission of Document Pursuant to Rule 92Bis - ICTJ Report on Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission, SCSL-03-01-T-1077 (SCSL TCII, Sep. 16, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order to Correct Transcripts of 7 September 2010, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Sep. 15, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Defence Application to Correct Transcripts of Issa Sesay's Testimony, SCSL-03-01-T-1076 (SCSL TCII, Sep. 15, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Confidential Annexes A, B C, and D Defence Motion for Admission of Documents Pursuant to Rule 92Bis - Autopsy Report, SCSL-03-01-T-1070 (SCSL TCII, Sep. 09, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Corrigendum to Defence Motion for Admission of Documents Pursuant to Rule 92bis, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Aug. 27, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Annexes A and B Defence Motion for Admission of Documents Pursuant to Rule 92Bis, SCSL-03-01-T-1064 (SCSL TCII, Aug. 27, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Clarifying the Status of Certain Errata Issued by the Registry in Respect of the Official Transcript, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Aug. 27, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Urgent Application for Leave to Appeal Decision Excluding the Use of Custodial Statement of Issa Sesay, SCSL-03-01-T-1062 (SCSL TCII, Aug. 25, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order for Expedited Filing, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Aug. 17, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Under Rule 16 to Continue Trial in the Absence of a Judge, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Aug. 16, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Confidential Annex A Defence Motion for Additional Protective Measures in Relation to Witness DCT-192, SCSL-03-01-T-1047 (SCSL TCII, Aug. 13, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Defence Motion to Exclude Custodial Statements of Issa Sesay, SCSL-03-01-T-1045 (SCSL TCII, Aug. 12, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Motion for Right to Appear as Counsel to a Witness, SCSL-03-01-T-1042 (SCSL TCII, Aug. 05, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Permitting Photographs of Proceedings on 5 August 2010, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Aug. 04, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Urgent Defence Motion for Stay of Evidence Pending Disclosure of the Statement of Naomi Campbell, SCSL-03-01-T-1040 (SCSL TCII, Aug. 04, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order for Expedited Filing, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Aug. 03, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Confidential Request for Protective Measures for Naomi Campbell's Testimony, SCSL-03-01-T-1035 (SCSL TCII, Aug. 03, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order for Expedited Filing, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Aug. 02, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Confidential Application for Leave to File Request for Protective Measures for Naomi Campbell's Testimony, SCSL-03-01-T-1018 (SCSL TCII, Jul. 29, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Corrigendum to Prosecution Response to Defence Motion to Exclude Custodial Statements of Issa Sesay, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Jul. 21, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Prosecution Objection to Rule 92Bis Statements, SCSL-03-01-T-1008 (SCSL TCII, Jul. 16, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Prosecution Motion for the Issuance of a Subpoena to Naomi Campbell, SCSL-03-01-T-996 (SCSL TCII, Jun. 30, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Defence Application to Correct the Transcript of 25 June 2010, SCSL-03-01-T-995 (SCSL TCII, Jun. 30, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Confidential Annexes A and B Prosecution Motion to Call Three Additional Witnesses, SCSL-03-01-T-993 (SCSL TCII, Jun. 29, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Defence Application to Correct the Transcript of 14 June 2010, SCSL-03-01-T-991 (SCSL TCII, Jun. 18, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Prosecution Application to Correct the Transcript of 19 May 2010, SCSL-03-01-T-990 (SCSL TCII, Jun. 18, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Defence Application for Judicial Notice of Adjudicated Facts from the RUR Trial Judgment Pursuant to Rule 94(B) and Prosecution Motion for Judicial Notice of Adjudicated Facts from the RUF Judgment, SCSL-03-01-T-987 (SCSL TCII, Jun. 17, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Under Rule 16 to Continue Trial in the Absence of a Judge, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Jun. 15, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Defence Application for Admission of Affidavit by DCT-118 Pursuant to Rule 92Bis, SCSL-03-01-T-978 (SCSL TCII, Jun. 11, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Under Rule 16 to Continue Trial in the Absence of a Judge, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, May. 18, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Defence Motion for Leave to Vary Version IV of the Defence Rule 73TER Witness List and Summaries, SCSL-03-01-T-954 (SCSL TCII, May. 07, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Urgent Prosecution Application for Leave to Appeal Decision of 16 April 2010, SCSL-03-01-T-953 (SCSL TCII, May. 05, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order for Expedited Filing on Urgent Prosecution Application for Leave to Appeal Decision of 16 April 2010, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Apr. 20, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Under Rule 16 to Continue Trial in the Absence of a Judge, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Apr. 12, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Corrigendum to Decision on Defence Motion for Leave to Vary Version III of the Defence Rule 73 Ter Witness List and Summaries, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Mar. 29, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Prosecution Request for Orders in Relation to the Scheduling of the Remainder of the Case, SCSL-03-01-T-931 (SCSL TCII, Mar. 29, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Annexes A and B Defence Motion for Admission into Evidence of 301 Documents and Photographs Marked for Identification during the Evidence-in-Chief of the Accused and on Prosecution List of Documents Marked for Identification during the Testimony of Charles Taylor Sought to be Admitted into Evidence, SCSL-03-01-T-929 (SCSL TCII, Mar. 18, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Confidential Annexes a and B Urgent Prosecution Motion for an Investigation into Contempt of the Special Court for Sierra Leone and on Prosecution Supplementary Requests, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Mar. 17, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Prosecution Motion for Orders Concerning the Confidentiality of the Defence Expert Witness List and Prosecution Application to Withdraw Motion for Orders Concerning the Confidentiality of the Defence Expert Witness List, SCSL-03-01-T-913 (SCSL TCII, Feb. 22, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Urgent Applications for Leave to Appeal Oral Decisions of 18, 21, 25 and 26 January 2010 on Use of Documents in Cross-Examination, SCSL-03-01-T-905 (SCSL TCII, Feb. 09, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order for Expedited Filing, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Jan. 29, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Annex A and Confidential Annex B Urgent Application for Leave to Appeal Oral Decisions of 14 January 2010 on Use of Documents in Cross-Examination, SCSL-03-01-T-898 (SCSL TCII, Jan. 29, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order for Expedited Filing, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Jan. 26, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order for Expedited Filing, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Jan. 22, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Public with Annex A and B and Confidential Annex C Urgent Prosecution Request for an Order to Direct the Registry to Disclose Non-Privileged Information, SCSL-03-01-T-886 (SCSL TCII, Jan. 22, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Defence Motion for Leave to Vary Version III of the Defence Rule 73TER Witness List and Summaries, SCSL-03-01-T-885 (SCSL TCII, Jan. 22, 2010)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order for Expedited Filing, SCSL-03-01-T (SCSL TC II, Jan. 20, 2010)


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