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    Special Court for Sierra Leone    

Independent Counsel v. Taylor, Judgment in Contempt Proceedings, SCSL-12-02-A-082 (SCSL AC, Oct. 30, 2013)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Classifying 'Order Designating State in which Charles Ghankay Taylor is to Serve his Sentence' as Public, SCSL-03-01-ES (SCSL Pres., Oct. 09, 2013)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Designating State in which Charles Ghankay Taylor is to Serve his Sentence, SCSL-03-01-ES (SCSL Pres., Oct. 04, 2013)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Judgment, SCSL-03-01-A-1389 (SCSL AC, Sep. 26, 2013)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Authorising Photography on the 26th September 2013, SCSL-03-01-ES-A (SCSL AC, Aug. 28, 2013)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Scheduling Order for Delivery of Judgement, SCSL-03-01-A (SCSL AC, Aug. 27, 2013)

Independent Counsel v. Taylor, Judgment in Contempt Proceedings, SCSL-12-02-A-068 (SCSL AC, May. 14, 2013)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Denying Defence Request for Leave to Amend Notice of Appeal, SCSL-03-01-ES-A (SCSL AC, Apr. 11, 2013)

Independent Counsel v. Bangura, Judgment in Contempt Proceedings, SCSL-11-02-A-097 (SCSL AC, Mar. 21, 2013)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Prosecution Motion for Leave to File Additional Written Submissions Regarding the ICTY Appeals Judgment in Perisic, SCSL-03-01-A-1382 (SCSL AC, Mar. 20, 2013)

Independent Counsel v. Taylor, Judgment in Contempt Proceedings, SCSL-12-02-T-051 (SCSL TCII, Jan. 25, 2013)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Designating the Record on Appeal, SCSL-03-01-ES-A (SCSL AC, Jan. 21, 2013)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order Authorizing Court Photography on 22 January 2013, SCSL-03-01-ES-A (SCSL AC, Jan. 18, 2013)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Decision on Defence Motion to Present Additional Evidence Pursuant to Rule 115, SCSL-03-01-A-1376 (SCSL AC, Jan. 18, 2013)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Scheduling Order, SCSL-03-01-A (SCSL AC, Jan. 18, 2013)

Prosecutor v. Taylor, Order, SCSL-03-01-A (SCSL AC, Jan. 15, 2013)


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