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    World Trade Organization Panels & Arbitrations    

India - Patents (US), United States v. India, Report of the Appellate Body, WT/DS50/AB/R; AB-1997-5 (WTO Appeal, Dec. 19, 1997)

Argentina - Textiles and Apparel, United States v. Argentina, Report of the Panel, WT/DS56/R (WTO Panel, Nov. 25, 1997)

EC - Bananas III, Ecuador; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico; United States v. European Communities, Report of the Appellate Body, WT/DS27/AB/R; AB-1997-3 (WTO Appeal, Sep. 09, 1997)

India - Patents (US), United States v. India, Report of the Panel, WT/DS50/R (WTO Panel, Sep. 05, 1997)

EC - Hormones, Canada v. European Communities, Report of the Panel, WT/DS48/R/CAN (WTO Panel, Aug. 18, 1997)

EC - Hormones, United States v. European Communities, Report of the Panel, WT/DS26/R/USA (WTO Panel, Aug. 18, 1997)

Canada - Periodicals, United States v. Canada, Report of the Appellate Body, WT/DS31/AB/R; AB-1997-2 (WTO Appeal, Jun. 30, 1997)

EC - Bananas III, Ecuador; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico; United States v. European Communities, Report of the Panel, WT/DS27/R/USA (WTO Panel, May. 22, 1997)

EC - Bananas III, Ecuador; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico; United States v. European Communities, Report of the Panel, WT/DS27/R/MEX (WTO Panel, May. 22, 1997)

EC - Bananas III, Ecuador; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico; United States v. European Communities, Report of the Panel, WT/DS27/R/GTM, WT/DS27/R/HND (WTO Panel, May. 22, 1997)

EC - Bananas III, Ecuador; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico; United States v. European Communities, Report of the Panel, WT/DS27/R/ECU (WTO Panel, May. 22, 1997)

US - Wool Shirts and Blouses, India v. United States, Report of the Appellate Body, WT/DS33/AB/R; AB-1991-1 (WTO Appeal, Apr. 25, 1997)

Canada - Periodicals, United States v. Canada, Report of the Panel, WT/DS31/R (WTO Panel, Mar. 14, 1997)

Brazil - Desiccated Coconut, Philippines v. Brazil, Report of the Appellate Body, WT/DS22/AB/R; AB-1996-4 (WTO Appeal, Feb. 21, 1997)

Japan - Alcoholic Beverages II, Canada v. Japan, Award of the Arbitrator Julio Lacarte-Muro, WT/DS10/15, WT/DS11/13, WT/DS8/15 (WTO Art. 21.3(c) Arbitration, Feb. 14, 1997)

US - Underwear, Costa Rica v. United States, Report of the Appellate Body, WT/DS24/AB/R; AB-1996-3 (WTO Appeal, Feb. 10, 1997)

US - Wool Shirts and Blouses, India v. United States, Report of the Panel, WT/DS33/R (WTO Panel, Jan. 06, 1997)


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