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    World Trade Organization Panels & Arbitrations    

Peru - Agricultural Products, Guatemala v. Peru, Award of the Arbitrator: Ricardo Ram�rez-Hern�ndez, WT/DS457/15 (WTO Art. 21.3(c) Arbitration, Dec. 16, 2015)

US - Shrimp II (Viet Nam), Viet Nam v. United States, Award of the Arbitrator, WT/DS429/12 (WTO Art. 21.3(c) Arbitration, Dec. 15, 2015)

US - COOL, Canada v. United States, Decision by the Arbitrator, WT/DS384/ARB; WT/DS386/ARB (WTO Article 22.6 Arbitration, Dec. 07, 2015)

Colombia - Textiles, Panama v. Colombia, Report of the Panel & Addendum, WT/DS461/R; WT/DS461/R/Add.1 (WTO Panel, Nov. 27, 2015)

US - Tuna II (Mexico), Mexico v. United States, Report of the Appellate Body, WT/DS381/AB/RW (WTO Appeal, Nov. 20, 2015)

China - HP-SSST (Japan), Japan v. China, Reports of the Appellate Body & Addendum, WT/DS454/AB/R; WT/DS460/AB/R; AB-2015-5; WT/DS454/AB/R/Add.1; WT/DS460/AB/R/Add.1; AB-2015-5 (WTO Appeal, Oct. 14, 2015)

US - Countervailing Measures (China), China v. United States, Arbitration under article 21.3(c) of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, WT/DS437/17 (WTO Art. 21.3(c) Arbitration, Oct. 09, 2015)

Argentina - Financial Services, Panama v. Argentina, Report of the Panel & Addendum, WT/DS453/R; WT/DS453/R/Add.1 (WTO Panel, Sep. 30, 2015)

EC - Fasteners (China), China v. European Communities, Report of the Panel & Addendum, WT/DS397/RW; WT/DS397/RW/Add.1 (WTO Panel (Article 21.5 of the DSU), Aug. 07, 2015)

China - GOES, United States v. China, Report of the Panel & Addendum, WT/DS414/RW; WT/DS414/RW/Add.1 (WTO Panel (Article 21.5 of the DSU), Jul. 31, 2015)

US - Animals, Argentina v. United States, Report of the Panel & Addendum, WT/DS447/R/; WT/DS447/R/Add.1 (WTO Panel, Jul. 24, 2015)

Peru - Agricultural Products, Guatemala v. Peru, Report of the Appellate Body & Addendum, WT/DS457/AB/R; AB-2015-3; WT/DS457/AB/R/Add.1; AB-2015-3 (WTO Appeal, Jul. 20, 2015)

Ukraine - Passenger Cars, Japan v. Ukraine, Report of the Panel & Addendum, WT/DS468/R/; WT/DS468/R/Add.1 (WTO Panel, Jun. 26, 2015)

India - Agricultural Products, United States v. United States, Report of the Appellate Body, WT/DS430/AB/R; AB-2015-2 (WTO Appeal, Jun. 04, 2015)

US - COOL, Canada v. United States, Reports of the Appellate Body, WT/DS384/AB/RW; WT/DS386/AB/RW (WTO Appeal, May. 18, 2015)

US - Tuna II (Mexico), Mexico v. United States, Report of the Panel, Addendum & Corrigendum, WT/DS381/RW; WT/DS381/RW/Add.1; WT/DS381/RW/Corr.1 (WTO Panel, Apr. 14, 2015)

US - Shrimp II (Viet Nam), Viet Nam v. United States, Report of the Appellate Body & Corrigendum, WT/DS429/AB/R; AB-2015-1; WT/DS429/AB/R/Corr.1; AB-2015-1 (WTO Appeal, Apr. 07, 2015)

China - HP-SSST (Japan), Japan v. China, Reports of the Panel, Addendum & Corrigendum, WT/DS454/R;WT/DS460/R; WT/DS454/R/Add.1;WT/DS460/R/Add.1; WT/DS454/R/Corr. 1 (WTO Panel, Feb. 13, 2015)

Argentina - Import Measures, European Union v. Argentina, Reports of The Appellate Body, WT/DS438/AB/R;WT/DS444/AB/R;WT/DS445/AB/R; AB-2014-9 (WTO Appeal, Jan. 15, 2015)


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